SmartAssembly 8

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Upgrading SmartAssembly Standard to Professional

When you download error reports and feature usage reports, the reports web service identifies you using the serial key associated with your copy of SmartAssembly. The web service then sends you the reports for your software which contain a matching SmartAssembly serial key. 

When you upgrade SmartAssembly Standard to SmartAssembly Professional, Redgate issue you with a new serial key.

Therefore, if you have already released software that was built using SmartAssembly Standard, and which uses error reporting or feature usage reporting, you will stop receiving the reports after you upgrade.

When you build a new version of your software using SmartAssembly Professional, you will receive error reports and feature usage reports for that new version as normal.

Consequently, we recommend that you do not upgrade to SmartAssembly Professional until you are ready to release a new version of your software.

If you are affected by this issue, please contact Redgate sales before upgrading, quoting your SmartAssembly Standard serial key.

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