SQL Backup 6

SQL Backup errors 500 - 5292

The following error codes may be returned by SQL Backup.

Error codeDescription
500General SQL Backup error.

No valid SQL Backup file name entered.

Check that the length of the path name does not exceed the number of characters for your operating system.

If you are generating a backup file name using the <DATABASE> or <AUTO> tags, check that the database name does not contain invalid characters. For more information about tags, see File location tags.

If you are backing up directly to a network share (not recommended), ensure the network share already exists, and that the account the SQL Backup Agent service logs on as (the startup account) has full permissions for the network share. To check the SQL Backup Agent service permissions, run the following command:

execute master..sqbutility 999, 'RWE', '\\testserver\backuplocation'

If the SQL Backup Agent service has read (R), write (W), and execute (E) permissions, the command returns 1; 0 indicates failure.

For more information about backing up to a network share, see Backing up and restoring on a network share.


No valid backup sets found from backup history.

507No valid backup sets found from provided folder(s).
508No valid full backup sets found from provided folder(s) for latest differential backup.

Backup file exists. Will not overwrite. File name: <value>

Try specifying a file name format that does not result in identical file names. For more information about using tags to generate file names, see File location tags.

To overwrite existing backup files, use the INIT argument.

512Backup file name (<value>) contains an invalid character (<value>)

Multi database backup file names must contain the <AUTO>, <DATABASE> or <DATETIME> tags.

If you are backing up multiple databases, the backup file names must be unique. Use the <AUTO>, <DATABASE>, or <DATETIME> tags to achieve this. For more information about using tags to generate file names, see File location tags.


Multi database operations cannot use MIRRORFILE option.

If you are backing up multiple databases, you cannot use the MIRRORFILE argument. For more information, see MIRRORFILE in The BACKUP command.

518File name exceeds limit of 259 characters: <value>

Multi-database undo file names must contain the <DATABASE> tag.

If you are backing up logs for multiple databases and have specified the STANDBY keyword, the undo file names must be unique. You must use the <DATABASE> tag to do this. You can use other tags too, but the <DATABASE> tag must be present. For more information about using tags to generate file names, see File location tags.


Output file exists. Will not overwrite. File name: <value>

When you use the CONVERT command, you must specify a unique file name for the destination file. For more information, see The CONVERT command.

525Folder does not exist. Folder name: <value>

Cannot find saved setting.

Check that the SQL Backup Agent service startup account has read access to the following registry key and its values: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Red Gate\SQL Backup\BackupSettings


None of the specified folders exist.

Check the transaction log folder locations you have specified for this log shipping restore job.


Non-existent backup file.

Check the path of the backup file.

If you are restoring from a backup file on a network share, ensure the startup user for the SQL Backup Agent service has permissions for the network share. For more information, see Backing up and restoring on a network share.


No file name entered for the Microsoft Tape Format (MTF) file.

When you use the CONVERT command, you must specify the path for the SQL Backup files (.sqb) and the path for the MTF file. For more information, see The CONVERT command.

550Cannot have the same file names for the SQL Backup file and the converted file.

File does not exist: <value>

Check the path of the backup file in the RESTORE SQBHEADERONLY command.

If the backup file is on a network share, ensure the startup user for the SQL Backup Agent service has permissions for the network share. For more information, see Backing up and restoring on a network share.

562Object is a folder, not a file: <value>
564Error reading file.
566Error reading files not in SQB path.

File is not a SQL Backup file.

Check the file you are restoring from is not a log file or native backup file.


Failed to open file. Message: <value>

The file may be in use or there may be a permissions problem; ensure the startup user for the SQL Backup Agent service application has been granted the necessary permissions. For more information on the permissions required, see Permissions.

581Failed to disconnect existing connections to database.
584System databases must be restored with full recovery using the RECOVERY option.
585Cannot use multiple file names with the THREADCOUNT option.
586Failed to connect to SQL Server instance: <value>
587Backup and restore operations are not allowed on database tempdb.

You can only perform a full backup of the master database.

Use BACKUP DATABASE to back up the entire master database.


Cannot back up the log of the master database.

Use BACKUP DATABASE to back up the entire master database.

590Insufficient space to perform process. Space required: <value>
591Cannot disconnect existing users from the model database.
592The REPLACE option must be used when using the DISCONNECT_EXISTING option on an active database.

Failed to create MTF file: <value>

Ensure the startup user for the SQL Backup Agent service application has been granted the necessary permissions. For more information on the permissions required, see Permissions.

596File is a native SQL Server backup file.
597Failed to read MTF header data.
600Multiple log file validation error for restore.

Error creating backup file(s). No files could be created.

Ensure the startup user for the SQL Backup Agent service application has been granted the necessary permissions. For more information on the permissions required, see Permissions.


Error creating file handle for file: <value>

Ensure the startup user for the SQL Backup Agent service application has been granted the necessary permissions. For more information on the permissions required, see Permissions.

612Error reading file: unexpected end-of-file reached.
613Compressed data block not found in file.
620Error writing to backup file(s).
621Error writing to backup file(s) due to insufficient disk space.
622Error flushing contents of backup file(s).
623Error setting file pointer position for backup file(s).
624Error writing header (LSN data) to backup file (<value>): <value>.
625Error writing header (backup size) to backup file (<value>): <value>.
627Failed to set file pointer to beginning of file (<value>) to write backup size: <value>.
628Failed to set file pointer to beginning of file (<value>) to read header data: <value>.
629Failed to set file pointer to beginning of file (<value>) to write LSN data: <value>.

Cannot run a multi device backup with the MIRRORFILE option.

If you are backing up to multiple devices, you cannot use the MIRRORFILE option. For more information, see MIRRORFILE in The BACKUP command.

632Failed to set file pointer to current position of file.
636BACKUP WITH CONTINUE_AFTER_ERROR successfully generated a backup of the damaged database.
637RESTORE WITH CONTINUE_AFTER_ERROR was successful but some damage was encountered.
638The backup was written with damaged data by a BACKUP WITH CONTINUE_AFTER_ERROR.

Cannot specify more than 32 devices.

You can specify up to 32 devices in a backup or restore operation. See The BACKUP command and The RESTORE command.


Invalid STOPAT value (<value>): <value>.

For more information on using STOPAT when restoring from a transaction log backup, see STOPAT in The RESTORE command.

650File already flushed to disk; cannot service another flush request.
651File already flushed to disk; cannot process additional backup data.
653File already flushed to disk, but buffer not empty.

VDI library not registered.

This may be because the VDI library has become unregistered when other SQL Server components have been uninstalled. To register this library manually, first locate the sqlvdi.dll file (for 64-bit versions of SQL Server, you need to locate the 32-bit version of the file). You can then use the regsvr32 command, for example:

regsvr32 sqlvdi.dll

If you are using more than one version of SQL Server, locate the latest copy of the sqlvdi.dll file; later versions of this file are compatible with earlier versions of SQL Server.


The version of the VDI library used does not match the version of SQL Server. Please install the correct version of sqlvdi.dll on this server.

For example, this may occur if you have reinstalled SQL Server 2000, and you are attempting to back up a SQL Server 2005 database.

665Beta trial period has expired.

Trial period has expired.

If you need more time to complete your evaluation, email dba.info@red-gate.com.


64-bit servers require Professional license.

Please contact dba.info@red-gate.com for more information.


The media set for database '<value>' has <value> family members but only <value> are provided. All members must be provided.

The backup set that you are trying to restore is split across multiple files; the number of files you have specified does not match the number of files in the backup set.

If this error occurs when restoring transaction log backups, it may be because SQL Backup cannot put the files in the correct order because it cannot read the Log Sequence Numbers from the header files or the information is not there. You can restore these files one at a time in date order, specifying either WITH NORECOVERY or WITH STANDBY. This will negate the need for the SQL Backup header. See also SQL Backup warning code 170.

Alternatively, the SQBHeaderFix utility can be used to repair the files by recreating the SQL Backup header using information from the native SQL header. You can download the utility from: ftp://support.red-gate.com/Patches/SQL_Backup/SQBHeaderFix.zip

700No process type entered.

Wrong password entered.

The RESTORE command contains an incorrect password, or if you are restoring from an encrypted backup file, the PASSWORD option is missing.


Backup file is not encrypted.

You do not need to specify the PASSWORD option in the RESTORE command.


None of the backup files are encrypted.

You do not need to specify the PASSWORD option in the RESTORE LOG command.

720No database name entered.
740Failed to get LSN data from server.
742Failed to get LSN data from server (0 rows returned).
743Failed to get file position value from server.
760LSN data from server is blank.
765Failed to read file header (<value>): <value>. Read <value> bytes.

Failed to open file to write LSN data. Another process might be locking this file: <value>

SQL Backup writes a header block to each backup file upon completion of the backup. In some cases, antivirus applications may lock the backup file immediately after creation, denying SQL Backup access.

780General conversion error.
782Browse via SQL: registry value not set.
784Browse via SQL: not sysadmin.

General thread error or SQL Server error.

Refer to your SQL Server documentation.

800File requires SQL Backup version <value> or higher to restore. Current version is <value>.

Error retrieving SQL Server login name: <value>

Check that the SQL Backup Agent service startup user has read access to the following registry key and its values: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Red Gate\SQL Backup\BackupSettings.

820Validation of all backup files failed.
822Encrypted files require a password to be successfully restored.
828Failed to recover database.
830Cannot disconnect existing users when the log is not backed up with the NORECOVERY or STANDBY options.
840File validation failed.

SQL Backup syntax error.

For more information on SQL Backup syntax, see Scripting SQL Backup.


No command passed to SQL Backup.

The command is empty.


BACKUP DATABASE permission denied in database: <value>

Check that you have backup rights to the relevant database.

Ensure that the account the SQL Backup Agent service logs on as (the startup account) is a Windows Authenticated account with sysadmin privileges on the SQL Server. For more information about permissions required, see Permissions.

If the error persists, turn off the user rights checks by creating a registry entry called SkipChecks:

  1. Open Registry Editor and locate HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Red Gate\SQL Backup\BackupSettingsGlobal\(local) or <instance name>
  2. Create a new DWORD type registry entry called SkipChecks and set the data value to 1.
  3. From the Windows Services panel, stop and restart the SQL Backup Agent service.

To reinstate user rights checks, set the data value to 0 or delete the SkipChecks entry.


RESTORE DATABASE permission denied for database: <value>

Check that you have the appropriate restore rights.

900Failed to read backup file header (0 rows).
910Failed to read file list details (0 rows).
915Failed to update backup history table (BACKUPSET).
916Failed to update restore history table (RESTOREHISTORY).
917Failed to update backup history table (BACKUPSET). Media set ID is blank.
918Failed to retrieve restore history id.
920Failed to update backup history table (BACKUPMEDIAFAMILY).
930File read error for compressed data. Backup file is incomplete or corrupted (FileBufferRemainingBytes: <value>)
932File read error for compressed data size. Backup file is incomplete or corrupted (CompressedDataSize: <value>)
934File read error for device index. Backup file is incomplete or corrupted (FileBufferRemainingBytes: <value>)
940File read error for <value> bytes (balance <value> bytes). Backup file is incomplete or corrupted.
942File read error for <value> padding bytes (balance <value> bytes). Backup file is incomplete.
950Data decompression error: <value>
960Failed to service command. Error code: <value>
970Backup file does not exist. File name: <value> (for restores).
980Your license does not allow restoring files encrypted with 256-bit keys.
985Error creating critical section: <value>.
990Invalid number of virtual devices: <value>
995Error creating event for virtual device: <value>

Failed to create virtual device. Error code: <value>

If the secondary error is -2139684857: Failed to recognize SQL Server instance name, make sure that the SQL Backup Agent service startup account (the account the service logs on as) has read access to the SQL Server service. You can do this using Registry Editor, or with the Windows sc sdset and sc sdshow commands:

  • Open Registry Editor (regedit.exe) and locate the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\Setup subkey. Right-click the subkey and select Permissions. In the Permissions for Setup dialog, ensure the SQL Backup Agent service startup account has at least read permissions.
  • Run the commands sc <server name> sdshow <SQL Backup Agent service name> to find out which permissions the service user has, then use sc <server name> sdset <SQL Backup Agent service name> to set the permissions. For more information, refer to your Microsoft Windows documentation.

You can find out which user the SQL Backup Agent service logs on as from the Windows Services panel (services.msc). Note that a SQL Backup Agent service is created for each SQL Server instance that SQL Backup is installed on.

This error may also arise if the account the SQL Backup Agent service logs on as is specified in the Windows Domain format (DOMAIN\USERNAME) rather than the User Principal Name format (username@domain). To change the account name format:

  1. Open the Windows Services panel (services.msc) and find the SQL Backup Agent service for the affected SQL Server instance, SQL Backup Agent-<instance name>. The SQL Backup Agent service for the local instance is called SQL Backup Agent.
  2. Right-click the service and select Properties.
  3. On the Log On tab, change the format of the account name to UPN format.
  4. Restart the SQL Backup Agent service.

Failed to get configuration from server. Check that the SQL Server instance is running and that you have the SQL Server System Administrator server role. Error code: <value>. [Also check that the database is not currently in use.]

For certain timeout conditions, a more detailed description may be presented with this error code:

Failed to get the configuration from the server because the timeout interval has elapsed. Check that the SQL Server instance is running, that you have the SQL Server System Administrator server role, and that no other processes are blocking the backup or restore process. If the problem recurs, try increasing the value of the VDITimeout registry setting in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Red Gate\SQL Backup\BackupSettingsGlobal\<instance name>.


Failed to get the configuration from the server because the timeout interval has elapsed. SQL Backup required <bytes> bytes of free SQL Server memory, which was not available. You can reduce the memory requirements by reducing the number of backup files/threads used in the backup.

When backing up or restoring, SQL Backup will wait up to 30 seconds for a response from the SQL Server, after which the backup or restore request will timeout. To change the timeout interval, configure the VDITimeout registry entry:

  1. Open Registry Editor and locate the SQL Backup BackupSettingsGlobal key for the relevant SQL Server instance: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Red Gate\SQL Backup\BackupSettingsGlobal\<instance name>
  2. Create a DWORD entry called "VDITimeout". 
  3. Set the value to a duration that you feel is adequate for the SQL Server to respond. The duration must be entered in seconds (in hexadecimal).
1020*Failed to open virtual device. Error code: <value>

Failed to create VirtualDeviceSet component. Error code: <value>

SQL Backup uses the SQL Virtual Device Interface library to perform backups and restores. This library is contained in a file named sqlvdi.dll and is installed and registered when you install SQL Server. This error may arise when backing up and restoring databases for two reasons:

  • A problem with permissions. The SQL Backup Agent service startup account must be a member of the SQL Server sysadmin role in order to access VDI libraries. For more information about required permissions, see Permissions.
  • The sqlvdi.dll file is missing or has been unregistered, or an incorrect version of SQL Server has been installed:
    1. Check the version of the sqlvdi.dll file installed on your SQL Server.
      1. Open Registry Editor and open HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID (32-bit edition of Windows) or HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Wow6432Node\CLSID (64-bit edition of Windows). 
      2. Locate the key {40700425-0080-11d2-851f-00c04fc21759}. The key's value InprocServer32 contains the path to sqlvdi.dll.  
    2. Ensure that the file exists and that the SQL Server startup account has access to it.

      A 64-bit edition of SQL Server will have two copies of sqlvdi.dll, one for 32-bit installations and one for 64-bit installations. Because SQL Backup is a 32-bit application, the 32-bit VDI will be used by SQL Backup while SQL Server will use the 64-bit version. Therefore, it is important that the two copies of sqlvdi.dll are the same version. Using the file locations indicated by the InprocServer32 key, examine the properties of both sqlvdi.dll files to ensure the version numbers match.

1040*Process terminated unexpectedly.
1050Failed to close VDI.

SQL Server error.

More information about selected SQL Server errors is provided in SQL Server errors. For all other errors, refer to your SQL Server documentation.

2010Command exceeds permitted length.
5000General inter-process communication (IPC) error.
5100Error creating SQB service event: <value>
5102Error creating SQB service event (already exists): <value>
5110Error opening SQB service event: <value>
5120Error setting SQB service event: <value>
5130Error creating client event: <value>
5140Error creating mutex: <value>
5142Error creating mutex (already exists): <value>

Failed to start SQL Backup Agent service.

To start the SQL Backup Agent service manually, use the Windows Services panel.


Inadequate rights to start SQL Backup Agent service. Please start the SQL Backup Agent service manually.

To start the SQL Backup Agent service manually, use the Windows Services panel.


SQL Backup cluster resource is stopped.

The SQL Backup Agent service is stopped on the active node in the cluster. This may be because a failover is in progress (in which case the service should restart automatically within a few minutes), or because the service has failed, or has been deliberately stopped.

You can re-enable the service with the Windows Cluster Administrator tool (Windows Server 2003) or Failover Cluster Management tool (Windows Server 2008).

5150Error opening mutex: <value>

Error acquiring mutex: <value>

A mutex is a communication channel between SQL Backup and the SQL Server processes. In certain circumstances a mutex can become orphaned. When SQL Backup attempts to create a new mutex, the request will be rejected by Windows because a mutex of the same name already exists.

Rebooting the operating system should resolve this problem. Alternatively, use Process Explorer to identify the process which is causing the problem:

  1. Download Process Explorer from http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896653.aspx and run it.
  2. On the Find menu click Find Handle or DLL to open the Process Explorer Search dialog box.
  3. Type SQBMutex into the Handle or DLL substring box and click Search.
  4. For a SQL Server instance that is functioning correctly, the handles \BaseNamedObjects\SQBMutex_ and \BaseNamedObjects\SQBMutex_data_ will exist as part of the process SQBCoreService.exe (the SQL Backup Agent). For instances other than the default, the instance name will be appended to the handle (e.g. \BaseNamedObjects\SQBMutex_SQL2005).
  5. Select the problematic instance from the list to highlight the entry in the Process Explorer main window.
  6. Right click this entry and select Close Handle. repeat this for the corresponding data handle.

You should now be able to start the SQL Backup Agent service and connect to the server.

5170Error releasing mutex: <value>
5200Error creating memory mapped file: <value>
5202Error creating memory mapped file (already exists): <value>
5210Error opening memory mapped file: <value>
5220Error mapping to memory mapped file: <value>
5230Error creating named pipe: <value>

SQB service did not acknowledge receipt of data: <value>

5250Failed to connect to Service Control Manager: <value>
5260Failed to connect to SQL Backup service: <value>
5270Error: SQL Backup Agent service is no longer running.
5280Error creating client event.
5290Error creating local data store mutex (already exists): <value>
5292Error creating local data store mutex: <value>

*VDI errors 1000, 1010, 1020, 1030, 1040

If SQL Backup encounters VDI errors 1000, 1010, 1020, 1030, or 1040, SQL Backup attempts the backup again, reducing the MAXTRANSFERSIZE option in case the error was caused by an insufficient amount of contiguous memory on the SQL Server. SQL Backup attempts the backup five times in total, using the MAXTRANSFERSIZE values 1048576, 524288, 262144, 131072, 65536 respectively. For more information about the MAXTRANSFERSIZE option, see The BACKUP command. For more information about SQL Backup's memory requirements, see Configuring SQL Server memory.

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