SQL Backup 7

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System error 32 - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process

When creating a backup, the following error may occur:

Warning: System error 32 (The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process).

This error may arise if another application is accessing the backup file and preventing SQL Backup Pro from writing to it. 

A common cause of this error is an on-access scanner running as part of an anti-virus system. An on-access scanner checks a file for viruses when the file is first written or opened. This prevents SQL Backup Pro from writing the backup file. To avoid this problem, exclude the backup location from the on-access scan. 

If you do not have an on-access scanner, use Process Explorer to identify the process that is accessing the backup file:

  1. Find the path and file name that SQL Backup Pro attempted to write the backup to. If you used tags to generate the file name, you can find the file name in the Activity Log:
    • In the SQL Backup Pro graphical user interface, open the Activity History and locate the failed backup. Right-click and select Show Log to display the Activity Log for the backup.
    • Alternatively, open the relevant log file. By default, these are created in:
      %PROGRAMDATA%\Red Gate\SQL Backup\Log\<instance name> (Windows Vista, Windows 2008 and later) or 
      %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\ Application Data\Red Gate\SQL Backup\Log\<instance name> (Windows XP and Windows 2003). 
  2. Download Process Explorer from the Microsoft website and run it on the computer on which you tried to create the backup.
  3. On the Find menu, select Find Handle or DLL.
  4. In the Handle or DLL substring box, type the full backup path and file name, then click Search
  5. Process Explorer displays the applications that are currently accessing the file. Stop the application from accessing the file, or run the backup at a time when the application is not accessing the file. 

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