SQL Data Compare 10

These pages cover SQL Data Compare 10, which is not the latest version. Help for other versions is also available.

How much free hard disk space is required?

You may encounter messages stating that you are out of disk space when using SQL Data Compare on larger databases.

As a rule of thumb you need 3-4 times the size of the database free disk space (this is for a local copy of the data from each database and space for the SQL Script creation). If your databases contain very similar data in both instances then we would suggest looking at the option Show identical values in results under Comparison Options on the Options tab as this will stop data compare storing any data which is identical in the two databases allowing the comparison to happen with a much smaller disk space footprint.

If your databases contain a large amount of different data we'd suggest splitting the table horizontally or vertically and performing the comparisons in parts. You can split the table horizontally by using the "WHERE filter" feature. On the Tables and Views tab right-click on the tables with a large amount of data in them and choose Open WHERE clause editor. This will open up a window where you can specify a WHERE clause and split the table into parts.

You can also do the equivalent vertically by clicking on the Columns in Comparison column next to a table on the Tables and Views tab and removing some of the columns.

If you're running out of space you can change the location that SQL Data Compare uses for its temporary directory:

  1. Right click on My Computer and choose Properties.
  2. On the Advanced tab click the Environmental Variables button.
  3. Then under User or System variables click New and give the variable name as RGTEMP and the variable value as the path you want Red Gate SQL Compare and SQL Data Compare to use as their temp directory.
SQL Data Compare 7 and later can compress temporary storage files, so won't require as much space. The space saved depends on the type of data being compared.

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