SQL Monitor 2

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Moving from SQL Monitor Web server to IIS

If you already have SQL Monitor installed and are using the default XSP web server, you can later move hosting to IIS.

Note: Once you have installed IIS, make sure that ASP.NET is both installed and enabled. See Issues with IIS and ASP.NET.

Configuring an existing IIS Web Server

Use IIS Manager (see How to Open IIS Manager) to carry out the changes described below.

Configuring IIS 7

  1. Select Add web site and choose a name for the website.
  2. Enter the physical path for the website folder - this is the location of the XSP website folder you specified during installation of SQL Monitor. By default this is:

    C:\Program Files\Red Gate\SQL Monitor 3\Website

  3. Specify an available port number and apply any other options, such as binding or certification that you need.
  4. Click Browse to test that the website is working; you should see the SQL Monitor front page.

A new application pool is automatically created for the SQL Monitor website. If you want to add SQL Monitor to an existing application pool, edit the Advanced properties for the site to change its application pool.

Read more about setting up your IIS website (Microsoft KB article)

Configuring IIS 6

  1. Right-click Web Sites and click New > Web site.
  2. In the Web Site Creation Wizard, type the name of the website (for example "SQL Monitor") in the Description box.
  3. Leave the IP address of the IIS server as (All Unassigned), and specify an available port (80 is the default port).
  4. Leave the Host header box empty, unless you have a specific requirement for a host header.
  5. In the Web Site Home Directory page, enter the path of the XSP website folder you specified during installation of SQL Monitor into the Pathbox. By default this is:
    C:\Program Files\Red Gate\SQL Monitor 3\Website
  6. Ensure that Allow anonymous access to this Web site is checked. SQL Monitor requires anonymous access to the website. For more information about website authentication, please read the following Windows KB article for more information: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/324274  (How to configure IIS Web site authentication in Windows Server 2003).
  7. Leave the default permissions on the Web Site Access Permissions page.

You also need to enable wildcard mapping, because SQL Monitor is an ASP.NET application that uses URLs without extensions. For details of how to do this, see Using SQL Monitor with IIS.

Stopping the XSP Web Server

To stop the XSP server, display Windows Services (select Start > Run, enter services.msc and click OK) and stop SQL Monitor Web Service.

It is possible to keep both IIS and XSP web servers on the same machine. You can uninstall the SQL Monitor Web Service, but for testing purposes, it may prove useful to restart the XSP web server should you have any problems with the IIS configuration.


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