SQL Monitor 5

Help for older versions available.

These pages cover SQL Monitor 5, which is not the latest version. Help for other versions is also available.

Installing the monitoring service

About the monitoring service

The SQL Monitor monitoring service (also called the base monitor) is a Windows service that collects data about your SQL Servers.

The monitoring service must be able to connect to:

  • the SQL Servers you want to monitor
  • the SQL Monitor database

You can either:

Installing the monitoring service on the same computer as the SQL Monitor web server

  1. On the computer where you want to host the SQL Monitor web interface and monitoring service, run the SQL Monitor installer.
  2. On the Choose components page, leave the Monitoring service box checked and click Next:

Installing the monitoring service on a different computer

To install the monitoring service on a different computer, you first need to install the SQL Monitor web interface and server.

  1. On the computer where you want to host the SQL Monitor web interface (not the monitoring service), run the SQL Monitor installer.
  2. On the Choose components page, clear the Monitoring service checkbox:

  3. Follow the installer instructions.

  4. After finishing the installer, open the SQL Monitor web interface. If you need to, you can get to this through the Start menu under SQL Monitor website.
  5. Download the monitoring service installer, run it on the computer where you want to install the monitoring service, and follow the instructions.
    On the last page, the installer gives you the monitoring service computer name and port:
  6. On the machine where you installed the SQL Monitor web server, in the SQL Monitor web interface, specify the Monitoring service computer and port number and click Set monitoring service location.

SQL Monitor is installed with the web server and monitoring service on different computers.

Do you have any feedback on this documentation?

Let us know at sqlmonitorfeedback@red-gate.com

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