SQL Multi Script 1

SQL Multi Script v SSMS multi server functionality

How do SSMS multiple server queries compare with SQL Multi Script?

The multiple server query functionality in SQL Server Management Studio (2008 and beyond) is basic and limited. SQL Multi Script is more versatile for running scripts against multiple database, copes with different situations and is more intuitive to use. It offers the following advantages:

  • combines the results of queries even when they're structured differently.
  • runs scripts against multiple databases that have different names on different instances or servers.
  • handles much larger files and result sets.
  • saves previous results for the duration of the session so if you run a query then run something else, you can go back to the last set of results.
  • saves distribution lists of databases against which you want to run queries.
  • runs more than one script against multiple databases. You can order a set of scripts and run them simultaneously.
  • allows you to configure error handling behavior if there's a problem while executing scripts.
  • allows you to configure the number of databases to run scripts against in parallel, so you can optimize network traffic caused by running expensive queries.
  • provides a more robust CSV output.

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