These pages cover SQL Source Control 6, which is not the latest version. Help for other versions is also available.


Minor releases are free for all users. For example, if you have a license for version 5.0 of SQL Source Control, you can upgrade to version 5.1 at no cost. When you download and install a minor release, SQL Source Control is licensed with your existing serial number automatically. 

Major releases are free for users with a current Support and Upgrades contract. For example, if you have a license for version 5 of SQL Source Control, you can upgrade to version 6 at no cost. When you download and install a major release, SQL Source Control is licensed with your existing serial number automatically.

If you don't have a current Support and Upgrades contract, installing a major release will start a free 28-day trial. You'll need to buy a new license and activate the product with your new serial number. 

To check whether you have a current Support and Upgrades contract or see the cost of upgrading to the latest major version of a product:

  • email
  • call:
    • 1 866 733 4283 (toll free USA and Canada) 
    • 0800 169 7433 (UK freephone)
    • +44 (0)870 160 0037 (rest of world)

To check the latest version of a product, see Current versions

How to upgrade

You can download the latest version of a product by checking for updates or on the Redgate website. If you download the latest version from our website, you need to run the installer to upgrade the product. 

Some Redgate products are available as part of bundle. You can select which products you want to upgrade when you run the installer.

Installing a new version of SQL Source Control will always upgrade the existing installation. To revert to an earlier version, uninstall the later version, then download and install the version you want from the Release notes and other versions page.

You can use a serial number for a later version to activate an earlier version.


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