Redgate Test Data Manager


This page details everything you need to do to have a working version of the Redgate Test Data Manager on your system.


Which version do I want?

You can either install the TDM GUI and CLIs, or just download the CLIs by themselves.

Currently, the GUI is best suited for more basic, non-automated creation of images and clones. To create CI workflows, we recommend using the CLIs standalone.


Our full list of download links can be found here.

Installation of standalone CLI tools

Apart from the centralized GUI, individual capabilities of Redgate Test Data Manager can also be installed as standalone CLI tools for integration with automated processes and integration with existing CI/CD pipelines.

Please follow the links below to the installation pages of each capability. Note that unlike the GUI, installation of Redgate Clone cluster is not a requirement for any of the CLI tools.

Installation of the GUI

Before you begin

Please check our installation requirements.

Then download the TDM Hub from our downloads page.

Installation procedure

The GUI is shipped as a zip archive containing:

  • A Windows executable
  • A PowerShell installation script
  • A yaml config file

To install the GUI, follow these steps:

  1. Download and extract the zip archive on the host machine
  2. Fill in all required fields in config.yml
    1. Optionally: Update optional fields to match your environment
  3. Run install.ps1  as an administrator
    • The script will ask you to provide login credentials. These will be used to configure the GUI as a Windows service, meaning it will restart automatically if the host reboots
    • The script will validate that your config.yml is correct

      The script is digitally signed to prevent tampering. If you have not previously configured your machine to trust the publisher Red Gate Software Limited you will see the following warning. This is expected and not a cause for concern. You should select R  to run the script

      Security warning
      Run only scripts that you trust. While scripts from the internet can be useful, this script can potentially harm your
      computer. If you trust this script, use the Unblock-File cmdlet to allow the script to run without this warning
      message. Do you want to run C:\Users\henry.wallis\Downloads\TDM_0.4.1.1550\install.ps1?
      [D] Do not run  [R] Run once  [S] Suspend  [?] Help (default is "D"):
  4. Optionally: Restrict who can edit the config file by right-clicking the file, selecting properties, then selecting the security tab

After installation the GUI executable and the standalone CLI tools will be located in %PROGRAMFILES%\Red Gate\Test Data Manager\ 

You can explore different features of the GUI by following our guide.

For MySQL database server connections

If you plan on using MySQL database server connections, you will need to register the path of your mysqldump utility by running the following within the TDM installation directory (%PROGRAMFILES%\Red Gate\Test Data Manager\). Please check the path to the executable is correct.

set mysqldump path

./Provision.exe configuration option add --name MySqlDumpPath --value "C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin\mysqldump.exe"

The path can be again update with the same command and a new value.

Upgrade procedure

To upgrade an existing TDM Hub installation and all of it's standalone CLIs tools:

Get the latest version's zip archive and:

  1. Download and extract the latest zip archive anywhere on the host machine.
  2. Stop the Redgate Test Data Manager service.
  3. Run RedGate.TDM.API.exe in the extracted archive folder with the --unpack argument. Here's an example with PowerShell:

    Upgrade command

    .\RedGate.TDM.API.exe --unpack
    This will update all of the content of the %PROGRAMFILES%\Red Gate\Test Data Manager\ folder without overwriting your config.yml file if it exists.
  4. Start the Redgate Test Data Manager service again.

At this point, the GUI should become available to view.

It may take a minute or so for TDM to run its database migrations if there are any, during which time the UI will show this message:

Once this is done, you can check if the upgrade has been successful by highlighting over the name of the application and checking the version.

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