Redgate Test Data Manager

Installation requirements

This page explains all the requirements that need to be in place to successfully install the Redgate Test Data Manager GUI.


Hardware Requirements

The machine running the Redgate Test Data Manager GUI (the host) must be running Windows 10/11 or Windows Server 2016 or later. Minimal requirements for the hardware are:

  • 2 CPU Cores
  • 4 GB RAM
  • 10 GB Disk Space

Software Requirements

  • A Windows user with administrator privileges
  • A SQL Server installation, accessible from the host.
    • You can use the SQL Server Express or Developer Edition for free
    • You must enable TCP/IP protocol for the SQL Server instance from the SQL Server Configuration Manager
  • A SQL Server database and a user with db_owner  permissions on it

Requirements for Connections

Depending on what kind of connection you would like to use (see this section to find out which you want), there will be different requirements to set up TDM Hub. There is no need to limit yourself to only one of these approaches, as the TDM GUI can handle multiple same or different connection types.

For standalone servers

If you would like to use a standalone database server:

  • A database server (see database engine support) reachable from the host.
  • A file share accessible by both the database server and the host.

MySQL specific

MySQL requires an installation of the mysqldump utility on the host machine.

For TDM Clone

If you would like to deploy your test data to TDM Clone:

  • TDM Clone cluster installed and reachable from the host.
    • Follow the instructions in the Clone documentation to install and configure the Clone cluster.
    • Install Clone CLI on the host, as described in the documentation.
  • A file share accessible by Clone
  • An SSL key/certificate pair that is trusted by the machines end-users will use to access the GUI

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