Redgate Test Data Manager



The Test Data Manager Process

This page is designed to give users an overview of Test Data Manager and introduce some of the key concepts in the product. 

Redgate Test Data Manager enables users to improve release quality and reduce risk, with the flexibility to fit your workflow.

Our product provides Developers, QA, and Testers self-service access to lightweight compliant database copies, while also supporting automatic provisioning for CI/CD practices. 

Test Data Manager also gives Data Operations teams the ability to create representative, compliant test data through subsetting, anonymization and data generation.

Application Level

This section outlines suggested workflows for Test Data Manager, and how test data flows from production through to a sanitised copy for development or test purposes.

In a more secure environment, you might want to ensure that only sanitized and obfuscated data leaves production. We've created an example of this below.

Component Level

This section outlines the architecture of the individual tools in Test Data Manager, giving insights into how they work.


Learn more in our subsetting documentation.


Learn more in our anonymize documentation.


Learn more in our clone documentation.

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