ANTS Performance Profiler 11

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ANTS Performance Profiler 8.1 release notes

June 19th, 2013


  • Introduced a work around to stop applications crashing when line-level timings are enabled and SecurityTransparent / partially-trusted code is used.
    Previous versions of ANTS Performance Profiler have had problems when using line-level timings with code using the SecurityTransparent attribute and partially-trusted code:

    • Web applications running on IIS typically crashed with a VerificationException, and the user saw an HTTP 500 error.
    • For other types of application, only method-level timings were shown.Some third-party assemblies that are popular among web developers are particularly affected by this problem, for example log4net on .NET 4 and JSON.NET.

    To work around the problem, ANTS Performance Profiler only shows method-level timings for assemblies that are likely to cause crashes. Results for other assemblies in the application will be shown at line-level as normal.
    For more information, see Profiling SecurityTransparent and partially-trusted assemblies

  • A number of display problems when viewing the Performance Profiler in a high DPI mode.
  • Fixed a major cause of UIQueue.DispatchSync errors.
    Thanks to everyone who reported this problem in version 8.0 via our error reporting system. 

Other changes

We've fixed a number of long-standing annoyances with the Find options in the Call Tree.

In previous versions of ANTS Performance Profiler:

  • It wasn't clear whether you were searching the call tree or the source code
  • If the method wasn't found, the only feedback was that the Previous and Next buttons were disabled
  • You had to click the Next button to search; pressing the Enter key didn't perform the search

ANTS Performance Profiler 8.0:

ANTS Performance Profiler 8.1:

You can also now start searching by pressing the Enter key after typing the method name.

There are a few other problems with Find in the call tree that we haven't been able to fix. Most notably:

  • You can't search within SQL queries or HTTP requests
  • You can't find async continuation methods

 In the Methods Grid, we've made it more obvious that the old Find option is actually a filter, which filters the list:

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