ANTS Performance Profiler 11

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ANTS Performance Profiler 8.2 release notes

August 1st, 2013


  • Integrated decompilation not working with Windows 8.1/.NET 4.5.1
  • Windows Store icons appearing in gray instead of colored, as expected
  • .NET 1.1 profiling not working in ANTS Performance Profiler 8.1

Known issues

  • The fix for integrated decompliation in .NET 4.5.1 means that decompilation of .NET 1.1 applications is no longer supported.

Other changes

  • Added an option in Advanced Options to disable Async-aware profiling

  • Small branding changes to distinguish ANTS Performance Profiler from the forthcoming ANTS Memory Profiler 8.0
  • Visual Studio add-in now supports Visual Studio 2013


If you already have one of the ANTS Profilers, the Visual Studio add-in isn't updated when you upgrade the desktop application. You upgrade the add-in, download ANTS Performance Profiler again from and choose to install the add-in only. You don't need a separate license key.



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