ANTS Performance Profiler 11

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ANTS Performance Profiler 7.3 release notes

August 6th, 2012 - Version 7.3.1

Bug fixes and enhancements

  • Re-fixed the bug 'Application pools in IIS should now always restart with the correct version of the .NET framework, and in the correct mode (classic or integrated pipeline mode)', which was accidentally undone in ANTS Performance Profiler 7.3.
  • Improved the user experience of the consent dialog box displayed by the Customer Improvement Program. This change will not be visible to users upgrading from ANTS Performance Profiler 7.3 or earlier.

July 10th, 2012 - Version 7.3

New features

This release introduces the following new features:

  • HTTP call profiling. When profiling ASP.NET applications, you can now see inbound HTTP requests in the call tree. This gives you an instant overview of the HTTP calls made while your application ran, and helps you relate your results to user actions in your application: .NET methods are shown as children of the HTTP requests that initiated them. For details, see The call tree.
  • Method grid filtering. Right-click on any method in the methods grid to hide or show only the selected method, class, or namespace. For details, see Filtering the call tree and methods grid.
  • SQL Server Compact Edition support. Calls to SQL CE servers are now displayed automatically in the call tree, with full timing and hit count data available in Database Calls view. For details of all servers supported, see Working with Database Calls view.

Bug fixes and enhancements

  • You can now select a query in Database Calls view, and click to see its .NET parents in the call tree view. For details, see Working with Database Calls view.
  • The latest version of the ANTS Performance Profiler licensing client lets you optionally associate an email address and username with your activation, to help manage multiple licenses.
  • ANTS Performance Profiler Standard edition now lets you save and export results - features previously limited to Professional edition.
  • "Find" now works in more cases on the methods grid and call tree.
  • This release fixes several race conditions that caused crashes on shut down or on loading results. It also includes a fix to prevent the profiler from misidentifying .NET application pools in IIS.
  • ANTS Performance Profiler Standard edition now lets you save and export results (this feature was previously limited to Professional edition).

Known issues

  • In the call tree, when profiling applications hosted in IIS or IIS Express, timings and hit counts shown for HTTP nodes may be greater in "Methods with source" view than in "All methods" view. For full details, see HTTP request timings in IIS.
  • In higher DPI modes, the Application Settings options to record file I/O and to profile child processes may disappear. As a workaround, these options can be set manually: see Setting file IO and child process profiling in high DPI modes.
  • Unmanaged code that loads .NET COM objects may crash with a heap corruption exception when line-level profiling is used. If this error occurs, use a profiling mode that excludes line-level timings.
  • If you have chosen a specific thread on the call tree view, the database call view link to switch back to the call tree will work only for calls that ran on the selected thread. To enable links, switch to the call tree, and select "All threads" on the results toolbar. For further details, see Changing results display options.
  • For some applications, the call graph may show erroneous hit counts for HTTP nodes. Refer to the call tree for correct counts.

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