Redgate Flyway

For PostgreSQL users - where are your DBs hosted?

Converting a conf file to a TOML file

To use the Flyway Service you will need to use a TOML configuration file instead of a legacy conf file, to migrate your existing conf file you have two options. 

Flyway Desktop

  1. Download Flyway Desktop from here.
  2. Open your flyway project within Flyway desktop.
  3. Click on the convert your conf file to a TOML file button which appears.
  4. Once you have pressed the button you will have a TOML file with all of your existing configuration setting generated for you.

Flyway CLI

  1. Download  the latest version of the Flyway CLI from here.
  2. Use the init command within Flyway CLI an example of the parameters needed has been provided below.

flyway init -init.fromType=conf -init.from="ProjectLocation" -init.projectName=ProjectName -init.databaseType="DatabaseType"
flyway init -init.fromType=conf -init.from="C:\Users\adam.britt\OneDrive - Redgate\Documents\GitHub\DB2\DB2\flyway.conf" -init.projectName=DB2 -init.databaseType="DB2"


Regardless of which option you choose you will now have a flyway.toml file within your project folder than contains all of you existing configuration options from the flyway.conf.

Now you have a TOML file you can get the Flyway Service configured, continue here

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