Redgate Flyway

Schema mapping

For any flyway command which performs a database comparison under the hood (diff, prepare), the following rules apply in relation to mapping the source schemas to the target schemas:

  • For SQL Server databases, database comparison will compare objects in all schemas, irrespective of any schema configuration. Schemas can be suppressed from the comparison using filters.
  • For other databases, only the schemas specified will be compared.
    • If no explicit schemas are set for the comparison source, then the source schemas will be assumed to be the same as those specified for the target
    • If no explicit schemas are set for the comparison target, then the target schemas will be assumed to be the same as those specified for the source
    • If explicit schema model schemas are set for source and target, then source schemas will be automatically mapped to target schemas in the same order as they are specified

When the schemas are different between source and target, make sure to configure schemas for both sides. When either source or target is a schema model, the schema model schemas can be specified using schemaModelSchemas.

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