Redgate Flyway

Configuration namespaces

Flyway configuration parameters are almost universally consistent between configuration and command line. So for example, you can run flyway migrate -baselineOnMigrate=true or you can set the following in your toml config to apply to all invocations of migrate:

baselineOnMigrate = true

Flyway configuration added under the flyway root generally represents broader configuration that applies to multiple commands (or was added before flyway contained any other namespaces)

Database-specific configuration is namespaced by database, e.g. -oracle.sqlplus=true. This is primarily for the purposes of clarity of organisation. These configurations can still be specified in the toml config

sqlplus = true

Configuration which applies to a single command only is namespaced by the command name, e.g. This is fully distinct from the target parameter which applies to the migrate command.

Namespace escaping

It is worth noting that when executing the flyway command line using PowerShell, the namespaces will need escaping, e.g. flyway migrate "-oracle.sqlplus=true"

Namespace short-circuiting

Always including command-specific namespaces is redundant and leads to a verbose command line, e.g. flyway diff -diff.source=development To this end, flyway allows short-circuiting of namespaces within the context of a command, when the command name is to the left of the parameters. That is to say that flyway diff -source=development -target=production will work correctly, with -source=development evaluating to -diff.source=development and -target=production evaluating to However, you still need to specify the namespace outside the context of the verb, e.g. flyway -diff.source=development diff

It is worth noting that this also works in the context of chaining of flyway commands: e.g. flyway diff -source=development -target=production generate will work, but namespaces will be required for flyway diff generate -diff.source=development

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