Redgate Flyway

Flyway Pipelines Drift Check

How sure are you that all changes deployed to your downstream environments, such as QA and Production, have been made via Flyway? If there are changes that have been applied directly to your downstream environments, such as production hotfixes, you are taking the following risks. 

  1. Your migration scripts are validated against dev and test servers, but because our downstream environments are in a different state, they could fail on your next deployment.
  2.  If there are changes made in production that haven't been back ported to dev and test, this invalidates the tests executed by your developers and QA teams as they have been run against an incorrect state.

View our Sample Project 

To get a taste of what a drift report looks like, check out a sample project in Flyway Pipelines here 

Minimal configuration is required to enable drift checks in your pipeline today and in return it will provide you and your team with confidence that you will be alerted to all unexpected changes, allowing you to address these before database deployment issues arise.  To find out how to enable Drift Checks today follow our onboarding guide which can be found here 


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