Redgate Flyway

Flyway Pipeline Reports

Flyway reports just got even better in conjunction with Flyway Pipelines. All of the Flyway reports can now be stored in a central location and will provide you with a comprehensive audit trail of all of the reports which have been run against a specific environment and pipeline. 

Flyway reports have been designed to act as a pre deployment check to

  1. Mitigate the risk of a deployment failure or data loss
  2. Improve Auditability and Compliance by providing a user friendly view of what changes are being made pre and post deployment
  3. Improves Visibility and Communication as everyone in your team or organization can view the report prior to a deployment being approved.

Now all of your Flyway reports can be accessed within the Flyway Pipelines to give you a comprehensive audit trail of your deployment history.   If Flyway Pipelines are new to you, take a look at Flyway Pipelines here

Which Edition of Flyway are the reports available in

ReportFlyway Community Flyway TeamsFlyway Enterprise
Flyway InfoYesYesYes
Flyway MigrateYesYesYes
Check -CodeYesYesYes
Check -DryrunNot availableYesYes
Check -DriftNot availableNot availableYes
Check -ChangesNot availableNot availableYes

How to see the reports in Flyway Pipelines

Within a specific pipeline, click on the environment you want to see a deployment history for

The deployment history will appear and if any reports have been run, they will appear in the list each with a unique ID. To view the report click on the open report link 

The report below is an example info report.

How to Configure the reports

Once you have enabled Flyway Pipelines, instructions  on how to do this can be found here.

 To enable the reports add the following parameters onto your Flyway Commands.

  1. -flywayServicePublish.publishReport=true
  3. -reportEnabled=true

 The reports can be used with Info, Migrate and Check, examples of which are provided below: -

  1. flyway check -changes -drift -code -dryrun -environment=build -publishResult=true -flywayServicePublish.publishReport=true -reportEnabled=true
  3. flyway info -environment=build -publishResult=true -flywayServicePublish.publishReport=true -reportEnabled=true
  5. Flyway migrate -environment=build -publishResult=true -flywayServicePublish.publishReport=true -reportEnabled=true

Examples of these reports can all be seen here.

Setting up the changes and Drift report

If the check command is new to you the following resources will give you all of the information you need to get started

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