Redgate Flyway

Use an Oracle Data Pump Export dump file to baseline a database


This feature is currently in Preview.  If you need help or have any feedback on this feature, please email the development team.

A baseline is a representation of what has already been deployed to production at a point in time.  The standard Flyway workflow is to create a SQL script called a baseline script from a production environment that contains all the CREATE DDL to rebuild all the objects in the database from scratch in a new environment.  The baseline script is used to provision new database environments, like development, shadow, or for spinning up environments from scratch in a CI/CD pipeline. Baseline scripts for large databases can be millions of lines long and difficult to debug if something goes wrong (e.g., invalid objects or references to linked servers that aren't accessible). Using an Oracle Data Pump dump file as a baseline is an alternative way to provision databases and avoids the baseline script issues. Restoring a metadata-only dump file is usually faster than running a large baseline script, so performance when generating migrations or spinning up new databases is also improved by using a dump file as the baseline. 

The steps below outline how to install the Data Pump tools, how to create a metadata-only dump file and how to configure Flyway to use that dump file to provision the shadow database:

  1. Install Oracle Data Pump Tools
  2. Export schemas to a dump file
  3. Configuring Flyway to provision an environment using a dump file

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