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  1. Change the default for the checkbox on the Dependencies selection screen

    By default, the checkbox on the Dependencies screen is selected. You can change the default to deselected by editing a config file: Close


  2. How SQL Monitor collects metric and alert data

    , for each monitored SQL Server instance, there is a set of SqlServer performance objects that capture metric data on resource use (memory


  3. Viewing the data

    buttons to go to the previous or next line with a difference. To view the individual spaces, select the Show white space check box. If th


  4. Licensing

    your Redgate licenses Go to the Licensing page by doing t


  5. Connecting to a Linux Machine

    Redgate Monitor uses SSH to connect to a Linux host. You can either use SSH credentials or an SSH key to connect to the host. Go to the Co


  6. Rewinding time with Back in Time mode

    . If you need to go further back in time to a previous day, week or month: Click the date/time. The date picker is displayed with today's


  7. Viewing the data

    buttons to go to the previous or next line with a difference. To view the individual spaces, select the Show white space check box. If th


  8. Viewing the data

    buttons to go to the previous or next line with a difference. To view the individual spaces, select the Show white space check box. If th


  9. Profiling an ASP.NET application on IIS Express

    To profile ASP.NET applications running on IIS Express: Start ANTS Memory Profiler and click amp_new_profiling_session_button.png From th


  10. Troubleshooting licensing

    : Check the name and location of the Data Repository database: go to Configuration > About and select About. The Database entry under Base


  11. Viewing component information and log files

    Log files collect information about SQL Monitor while you are using it. These files are useful to us if you have encountered a problem. I


  12. Resetting your SQL Monitor password

    database. In Management Studio (or equivalent SQL editing tool), run: USE RedGateMonitor GO DELETE FROM settings.UserAccount WHERE UserNa


  13. Change how many revisions are shown in the History dialog box

    By default, the History dialog box shows all the revisions made to the selected database. You can change the number of revisions shown by


  14. Change the transaction isolation level

    When getting changes, by default SQL Source Control uses the READ COMMITTED transaction isolation level. You can change this by editing a


  15. Creating a baseline script

    Control, refresh your Migrations tab. You can now see that your baseline has been set because the status is Baseline. Baseline.png If you


  16. Resolve and merge conflicts

    control. Take theirs The object can't be committed. To get the source control version of the object, go to the Get latest tab. Conflicts


  17. Working with file paths, extensions, and processing options

    . If your system is I/O-bound, while writing to disk for example, the fast compression setting may result in longer backup times. ZIP-comp


  18. Working with file paths, extensions and processing options for SQL HyperBac

    compression than SQL HyperBac's standard or ZIP-compatible compression. (Note that, if your system is I/O-bound, while writing to disk fo


  19. Walkthrough: Set up Continuous Integration And Release Management

    environment, remember that it's going to be deployed to other databases. A generic name that describes what you're deploying is better th


  20. Activating

    to start again). On a computer with an internet connection, go to and u


  21. Configuring monitored servers

    the connection credentials for one or more servers. Go to the Configuration tab. Under Monitoring, select Monitored servers: configmonito


  22. Viewing component information and log files

    Log files collect information about SQL Monitor while you are using it. These files are useful if you have a problem. To view the log file


  23. How SQL Source Control works behind the scenes

    database and goes to the Commit tab. If we compare Amanda's database and the scripts folder in source control, we can see a table in Aman


  24. This commit doesn't meet the server's policy requirements, or the policy isn't configured on your machine

    Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Controls.dll. To do this: In the Windows Registry Editor, go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6


  25. How V2 migration scripts are used in deployment

    We're going to remove the migrations V2 beta from SQL Source Control in version 5. We're replacing it with an improved version of the ori


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