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  1. Tutorial - Using Flyway Check with SQL Server

    -readable format. Applying the changes We now know that applying our pending migrations will have the intended effect on our target schema


  2. How SQL Clone Works

    fix things up, if they go awry. In effect, SQL Clone exploits a similar idea to that used by long-established technologies like RAID, SAN


  3. ReadyRoll 1.16 release notes

    in faster deployments. The old strategy (WrapInExecuteConditionally) is going to be retired in a future release, so if you encounter any


  4. ReadyRoll 1.1 release notes

    of MsBuild conventions to cache project artefacts as part of the build process. This means that the project only goes through the full bu


  5. Data Population

    The topic of creating environments populated with real-world data is complex and goes beyond the scope of a change management tool like R


  6. Migrations

    was originally added to the project, plus the username, e.g. 20170413-1318_john.walley To avoid causing the environment to go out-of-sync


  7. Monitoring status explained

    will be collected until you resume monitoring. Suggested action: Go to the Configuration > Monitored servers page, click the Actions butt


  8. Viewing details of an alert

    details You don't have to go back to the Alert Inbox and select another alert to open it; you can navigate through different Alert detail


  9. Register-SqlChangeAutomation

    Register-SqlChangeAutomation Activates SQL Change Automation using a valid serial number. Syntax Register-SqlChangeAutomation [-InputObje


  10. This commit doesn't meet the server's policy requirements, or the policy isn't configured on your machine

    Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Controls.dll. To do this: In the Windows Registry Editor, go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6


  11. Failed to locate the [object name] for the [object name]

    the references from the affected objects. Unlink the database and link it to source control again. Go to the Get latest tab, select the a


  12. Commit changes

    Committing a change updates the source control repository with that change. When you make changes to source-controlled databases, SQL Sou


  13. SQL Source Control 2.1 release notes

    Changes tab. When the second user goes to or refreshes the Commit Changes tab, the spurious notification is removed from the Object Explo


  14. Configuring alerts

    Servers setting. To set up and configure global email notification settings, see Setting up email notification. Configuring alert setting


  15. Organizing monitored servers into groups

    , to look at information for groups of servers at a time. Groups are identified in the Monitored servers list by the group group.gif icon.


  16. Adding Azure SQL Database

    the required firewall rules. Go to the Configuration page and under Estate, select Monitored servers. Click Add > Azure SQL Database. The


  17. Monitoring servers without sysadmin permissions

    add the entity on the Monitored servers page. More restrictive schedules should go first, for example, when adding per SQL Server collect


  18. Enabling AWS IAM PostgreSQL authentication

    in Redgate Monitor there are a few pre-requisite steps to go through within AWS. You can find detailed information for these steps in the


  19. Processes and databases

    ) showing the status of each one. Click on an AG to go to its Overview page, revealing useful information on the status of the primary and


  20. Worked examples

    as an additional insertion key. To define Space as an insertion key: On the SQL Prompt menu, select Options. In the Options dialog box, g


  21. Tempdb

    of I/O being generated by snapshot isolation and its effect on tempdb usage. The final metric is the longest running transaction time: th


  22. SQL Monitor 3.1 release notes

    May 24th, 2012 New features Navigate through Alert details: On the Alert details page, you no longer have to go back to the Alert Inbox a


  23. Upgrading SQL Monitor installations with multiple Base Monitors

    ): The existing Multiple Base Monitors configuration is going to be preserved, therefore it will not be possible to modify it, i.e. change


  24. Setting up SNMP notifications

    About SNMP notifications You can set up SQL Monitor to send an SNMP trap when: alerts are raised. an alert level increases (e.g. from Med


  25. Scheduling backup jobs

    , SQLBackupC.exe: Go through the Back Up wizard to create a template backup job for the database you want to schedule jobs for. On step 6


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