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  1. Preparing for adding monitored servers

    WMI over DCOM, go to: WMI over DCOM. If using WMI over WinRM, go to: WMI over WinRM. If the Base Monitor must make connections to servers


  2. SQL Backup warnings 1 - 499

    SQL Backup Lite and have not yet been contacted by Redgate about a free upgrade, please go to the SQL Backup Pro product page


  3. Setting up email notification

    notification Go to the Configuration tab. Under Alerts and metrics, select Notification settings: ConfigurationScreen-Notifications.png E


  4. Step 1. Define metric

    the wizard or the Custom metric page (Configuration > Custom metric). Once you've completed this page, click Next to go to Step 2. Add an


  5. What to try if you hit connection problems

    and the SQL Monitor logs Go to Configuration > Monitored Servers in the web interface: The Status column will tell you whether the connec


  6. Monitoring servers without sysadmin permissions

    you add the entity on the Monitored serers page. More restrictive schedules should go first, for example, when adding per SQL Server coll


  7. MSQL_XP (MSDN). Investigating external code If the extended stored procedure is developed l


  8. DevOps benefits of SQL Monitor

    an incident that needs an urgent fix. If DBAs use one tool, while developers have a separate view of what is going on, it makes collabora


  9. Starting up SQL Monitor for the first time

    monitors, go to: Multiple Base Monitor installations. If you're ready to start adding servers and using SQL Monitor, review: Using SQL Mo


  10. WMI over DCOM Static ports Add a static WMI endpoint Open Component Services (run "dcomcnfg" from comman


  11. Reconnecting automatically after monitoring stopped

    retry the connection manually using the SQL Monitor interface: In SQL Monitor, in the Configuration tab, go to the Monitored servers page


  12. Suspending a monitored server

    : suspendedanalysispage.gif Resuming monitoring on a suspended server Go to the Monitored servers page, click the buttonactions.gifActions


  13. Configuring Profiler trace

    Enabling trace allows you to continuously capture SQL Profiler trace data on the selected instance. When an alert is raised, the SQL stat


  14. Using the SQL Monitor metrics website

    , you need to install cookies. To do this: Ensure that cookies are enabled in your web browser. Go to the Configuration > Custom metrics p



    on a secondary replica, go to the Analysis Graph, select the metric Log bytes flushed/sec, and then select the database. Transaction dela


  16. Versioning and Patching

    available update Shows the latest available update for the installed version, and the date it was released. Clicking on the link will go


  17. Add Azure SQL Database

    firewall rules. Go to the Configuration tab and under Monitoring, select Monitored servers. Click the Add Azure SQL Database button. The


  18. Enabling Extended Events

    Events Go to the Configuration tab under Monitoring, select Extended Events: image2019-1-23_16-41-42.png Enabling extended event sessions


  19. Use the Azure DevOps Release extension with an approval step

    and other options. In your Azure DevOps account, go to your Projects page In this tutorial, we'll be releasing the database, AdventureWor


  20. Deploy from a development database using Octopus Deploy and PowerShell

    be added, removed or modified if you go ahead with deployment, and check for warnings. If you're not happy with the changes, you can stop


  21. Use-DatabaseReleaseArtifact

    , but will continue executing the whole script unless the connection to the database is broken (for example, if the database goes offline)


  22. Migrations

    to the project, plus the username, e.g. 20170413-1318_john.walley To avoid causing the environment to go out-of-sync with the target envi


  23. Data Population

    The topic of creating environments populated with real-world data is complex and goes beyond the scope of a change management tool like S


  24. List of alerts

    The Alert settings page lists all the alert types that SQL Monitor can raise. Go to the Configuration tab. Under Alerts and metrics, sele


  25. SQL Monitor 5.0 release notes

    "Configure alerts" now works instead of refreshing the page SRP-10065: The “Contact sales” link in the top status bar now goes to the Red


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