These pages cover SQL Monitor 12, which is not the latest version. Help for other versions is also available.

Versioning and Patching

The Installed Versions page shows details of the versions of SQL Server installed across your monitored estate.

Understanding the Installed Versions page

The screenshot below shows an example of the data displayed on this page.

Column NameDescription
NameLists the monitored SQL instances, along with the machine that they are on and any relevant cluster information.
Version/EditionShows the Specific SQL Server version and edition.
Product level / Version number

Shows the service pack / cumulative update level and version number of the SQL instance.

If the product level is preceded by a > (e.g. > RTM), it means that hotfixes or patches have been installed above the standard service pack or cumulative update levels.

The icon indicates whether the SQL instance is up to date with all available service packs / cumulative updates:

The SQL instance is up to date.
The SQL instance has updates available.

Latest available update

Shows the latest available update for the installed version, and the date it was released. Clicking on the link will go to the download page for the update.

This column will be blank if the installed version is the latest available.

End of mainstream support

Shows the date when mainstream support from Microsoft for the installed version ends. will be shown if mainstream support has ended.

Only information about service packs and cumulative updates are included in this page – patch versions will not be shown.

Versions data

The versions data used by this page is obtained from the Redgate website and automatically updated each day. We aim to keep this up to date with the latest releases of SQL Server (for all versions that SQL Monitor supports).

If SQL Monitor cannot download updates to this data automatically, it can be performed manually. To do this, download the latest version of the data from and save it to a file at C:\ProgramData\Red Gate\SQL Monitor\SqlServerVersions.json on the server SQL Monitor Web is installed. SQL Monitor will read the updated file within 6 hours. However, if necessary, you can force an update by restarting the SQL Monitor Web Service or the site in IIS.

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