Search for " Ƽ Ƽ ī Ʈ ̵ ͺ a1ī ī ¶ ī ʸŰ" returned 1410 results.

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  1. SQL Source Control 3.8 Frequent Updates release notes

    no longer cause parsing errors Pressing N on the Setup tab no longer opens a new query window 3.8.13 - May 27th 2015 Features Filters now


  2. Custom metrics and alerts

    monitored object. It does so by running a T-SQL query against the objects at regular intervals and displaying the collected values as dat


  3. SQL Monitor 3.0 release notes

    own T-SQL queries to collect metric values that aren't currently collected by default. They can also be used to collect application-speci


  4. About Masking Rules

    and run each of these types of rules, in turn. Special Function Rules dms_CommandRules.png Command Rules This type of rule is used to run


  5. Scheduling restores - select the destination database

    the REPLACE option in a T-SQL RESTORE statement. Refer to your SQL Server documentation for more details. Creating a new database Enter a


  6. Improving the performance of SQL Data Compare

    the selected columns will be compared. Row filtering (horizontal filtering) To exclude specific rows, click WHERE Clause, and then type a


  7. Using XML to specify command line arguments

    switches on the command line except /verbose or /quiet multiple options should be separated with commas: <options>n,oc,t</options> Exampl


  8. Offline Schema Model

    development - offline schema model.png The Schema-Model sub-folder hierarchy contains an offline copy of your database schema in T-SQL fo


  9. ReadyRoll 1.5 release notes

    . (Details Visual Studio ‘Find in Document’ widget does not appear in T-SQL editor with SSDT 11.1.2108+ ins


  10. Improving the performance of SQL Data Compare

    the selected columns will be compared. Row filtering (horizontal filtering) To exclude specific rows, click WHERE Clause, and then type a


  11. Using XML to specify command line arguments

    switches on the command line except /verbose or /quiet multiple options should be separated with commas: <options>n,oc,t</options> Exampl


  12. Improving the performance of SQL Data Compare

    the selected columns will be compared. Row filtering (horizontal filtering) To exclude specific rows, click WHERE Clause, and then type a


  13. Using XML to specify command line arguments

    switches on the command line except /verbose or /quiet multiple options should be separated with commas: <options>n,oc,t</options> Exampl


  14. Working with key files for encrypted backups

    : vrwiz_step2_password.png If you use native T-SQL commands _to script_ the creation of your virtual database, you may first have to manua


  15. HyperBac WinExtractor

    . or Make sure you are connected to the master database, then run the following T-SQL statement for the database: ALTER DATABASE <database


  16. Restoring backups - destination database

    WITH REPLACE in a T-SQL RESTORE statement. Refer to your SQL Server documentation


  17. Script status information window

    The SQL Change Automation extension for Visual Studio includes a script status bar which displays above the document window, whenever you


  18. Improving the performance of SQL Data Compare

    the selected columns will be compared. Row filtering (horizontal filtering) To exclude specific rows, click WHERE Clause, and then type a


  19. Using XML to specify command line arguments

    switches on the command line except /verbose or /quiet multiple options should be separated with commas: <options>n,oc,t</options> Exampl


  20. Oracle Database

    , ' triggered'); END; / -- Placeholder INSERT INTO ${tableName} (name) VALUES ('Mr. T'); SQL*Plus commands Flyway Teams


  21. Using XML to specify command line arguments

    on the command line except /verbose or /quiet multiple options should be separated with commas: <options>n,oc,t</options> Examples Below


  22. Setting up object locking

    , go to the object locking tab. If you don''t have SQL Source Control, talk to the user who locked it.' + @NewLine + @NewLine + 'For more


  23. Example V2 migration scripts

    ) AND referenced_major_id = OBJECT_ID('widgets') AND COL_NAME( referenced_major_id, referenced_minor_id) = 'Description' ) BEGIN PRINT 'C


  24. Unable to cast object of type 'System.DBNull' to type 'System.String'

    , hopefully, allow you to track down the object that is causing the issue. T he results can often be hard to analyze and knowing where NUL


  25. Renaming objects

    an object using SQL Server Management Studio or Enterprise Manager Rename, or the T-SQL sp_rename command, the object definition will con


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