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  1. Using SQL Compare filters with SQL Change Automation PowerShell module

    -ServerInstance "test01\sql2012" -Database "Test" -Username "sa" -Password "P@ssw0rd" $filter = "C:\Work\MyFilter.scpf" New-DatabaseRelea


  2. Setting up database connections

    "AdventureWorksIntegration" -Username "sa" -Password "P@ssw0rd" By assigning the output of New-DatabaseConnection to a variable, you can


  3. Create an image for the latest backup

    latest $BackupFile = $BackupFiles | Sort-Object -Property LastWriteTime | Select-Object -Last 1 # I only want the most recent file for th


  4. Data masking

    creation. Where do I get a masking set file? Masking set files are generated using the Data Masker for SQL Server. They specify how to go


  5. Can't connect to Active Directory authentication service

    to using Active Directory, selecting "Reset and use Active Directory". For complete instructions, see: Authenticating with Active Directo


  6. ReadyRoll licenses and SQL Change Automation

    explains the implications of the launch of SQL Change Automation for existing ReadyRoll users. What's your situation? I purchased ReadyRo


  7. Changes to distribution of command line

    the command line version of SQL Compare, I see a message that the Automation license is a trial version. What does this mean? This means


  8. Monitoring status explained

    problems: image2019-1-23_14-22-34.png The page contains a table listing recent errors or data collection events that can help you to dete


  9. New-DlmDatabaseConnection

    " -Database "Staging" -Username "AutomationUser" -Password "P@ssw0rd" This example shows how to create a Database Connection object. The o


  10. Create an image for the latest backup

    latest $BackupFile = $BackupFiles | Sort-Object -Property LastWriteTime | Select-Object -Last 1 # I only want the most recent file for th


  11. Data masking

    creation. Where do I get a masking set file? Masking set files are generated using the Data Masker for SQL Server. They specify how to go


  12. Issues caused by clock skew

    , and the machines being monitored, have synchronized clock settings. If not, you may experience the issues listed below. I can't log into


  13. Setting up a custom web server for reporting

    > In SmartAssembly, click Options. Under Custom web server, select I want to use my own web server. Enter the URL of the directory which c


  14. Configuring reporting on multiple computers

    Setting the reports database To use Automated Error Reporting or Feature Usage Reporting on more than one computer, the error reports mus


  15. Use the SQL Change Automation step templates

    will be accessible to all environments. Click Save. You've finished setting up the project steps.The Process tab should look like this. i


  16. Handling Schema Drift

    \Drift.html). image2018-6-14_15-18-13.png Note that this report is distinct from the changes report (Reports\Changes.html), which shows ch


  17. Deploy a database package to a single environment using Octopus Deploy and PowerShell

    looks like this: image2018-6-13_16-34-33.png You've now completed the deployment of the database package. What next? If you have multiple


  18. ANTS Memory Profiler 5.2 release notes

    AppDomains are used. Fixed intermittent GDI+ errors caused by summary view graphs. Fixed server error from “What do I look for?” help lin


  19. "Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializationException: Cannot create and populate list type..."

    the path to match the install location of the agent or server: gacutil -i "C:\Program Files\Red Gate\SQL Clone Agent\<version>\Newtonsoft



    . Examples Restoring a header file This example retrieves the header information for the pubs.sqb database backup file. SQLBackupC.exe -I


  21. ANTS Memory Profiler 5.2 release notes

    AppDomains are used. Fixed intermittent GDI+ errors caused by summary view graphs. Fixed server error from “What do I look for?” help lin


  22. New-DlmDatabaseRelease

    " -Database "Staging" $test = New-DlmDatabaseConnection -ServerInstance "test01\sql2014" -Database "Test" -Username "AutomationUser" -Pass


  23. New-DatabaseReleaseArtifact

    \sql2014" -Database "Staging" $test = New-DatabaseConnection -ServerInstance "test01\sql2014" -Database "Test" -Username "AutomationUser"


  24. Worked examples

    , then type: p The suggestions box shows all relevant suggestions beginning with p : example1_2.gif SQL Prompt always places the most cont


  25. What SQL Source Control does

    SQL Source Control lets you version-control the schemas of your SQL Server databases. Why should I version-control my database schemas? V


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