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    , or disk subsystem performance issues. If it exists in combination with at least one of the following waits, your servers could be experi


  2. Lunch

    Lunch will be served in The Cricket Kitchen from 12:35 - 14:00. 17187934146425655032875555643754.jpg



    file This example retrieves the header information for the pubs.sqb database backup file. SQLBackupC.exe -I {instance name} -SQL "RESTORE


  4. Enabling advanced monitoring for RDS instances

    to your Base Monitor. image-2024-5-22_12-26-50.pngimage-2024-5-22_12-29-1.png Add the following permissions to the role: AmazonRdsReadOnl


  5. Venue Map

    The area beyond the doors by Arctic is open to the public, so please be mindful of this. image-2024-6-14_13-42-23.png This is also availab


  6. Performance diagnostics

    and details can help you to evaluate the efficiency with which your workload utilizes server resources (CPU, I/O, Memory) and to identify


  7. Using performance diagnostics

    help you decide how to start troubleshooting. Queries can help you evaluate the efficiency of I/O usage, and identify problematic stateme


  8. Hardware and performance guidelines

    requirements per monitored server: Physical memory 20-40 MB Disk space 600-1000 MB* Network I/O 20 KB/sec Disk I/O 20 KB/sec *The amount


  9. .NET Reflector 9.0 release notes

    the assembly list tree RP-3478 - The 'show inherited members' keyboard shortcut (CTRL-I) works again RP-3881 - Switch on strings is no lo


  10. Preparing to upgrade SQL Monitor

    to the newer version during installation. How do I know when an upgrade is available? When an upgrade is available, SQL Monitor displays


  11. .NET Reflector 9.0 release notes

    the assembly list tree RP-3478 - The 'show inherited members' keyboard shortcut (CTRL-I) works again RP-3881 - Switch on strings is no lo


  12. Using the .NET Reflector Power Commands

    ? This was originally a Power Command, but while looking for ways to merge the code I discovered native functionality in Reflector for ope


  13. Automated installation and updates

    the configuration parameters is to copy them from the UI installer by clicking the Help me automate this link in the Summary page: image2


  14. Automated installation and updates

    this link in the Summary page: image2020-10-14_15-43-3.png Website INSTALLDIR string Installation directory Default: %ProgramFiles%\Red G


  15. Using the .NET Reflector Power Commands

    ? This was originally a Power Command, but while looking for ways to merge the code I discovered native functionality in Reflector for ope


  16. Linking to a working folder

    A working folder contains SQL script files that represent your database. The working folder can be source-controlled with your source con


  17. June 2021 - A simple way to manage multi-environment deployments

    , and the environment specific details in a relevant config file. For example purposes, I will be demonstrating this with a number of H2 f


  18. SQL Monitor data retention policy

    category and click Save settings. image2019-5-13_17-50-51.png How should I set my data retention policy? Your data retention policy depen


  19. Preventing disassembly of the IL

    Select I want to prevent Microsoft IL Disassembler from opening my assembly. If you enable this option, some debugging tools will no long


  20. Using performance diagnostics

    help you decide how to start troubleshooting. Queries can help you evaluate the efficiency of I/O usage, and identify problematic stateme


  21. Hardware and performance guidelines

    requirements per monitored server: Physical memory 20-40 MB Disk space 600-1000 MB* Network I/O 20 KB/sec Disk I/O 20 KB/sec *The amount


  22. Manually licensing Redgate assemblies

    , RedGate.SQLDataCompare.Engine Save the file and exit. Run the licence compiler: lc.exe /target:"MyApp.exe" /complist:"licence.txt" /i:"c


  23. Top 10 queries

    , and averages for duration, CPU time, I/O activity, and so on). It displays this data in a Top x Queries table, showing the most expensiv


  24. Command Line Verbs

    (-P) : The path to the *.conf file created by Redgate Change Control … be specified here or in the environment variable BUILD_DATABASE_U


  25. "Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializationException: Cannot create and populate list type..."

    the path to match the install location of the agent or server: gacutil -i "C:\Program Files\Red Gate\SQL Clone Agent\<version>\Newtonsoft


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