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  1. The SQL LocalDB instance 'RedGateTemp' does not exist

    account you need to run to configure the build agent: For Local System, enter psexec -i -s cmd.exe For Local Service, enter psexec -u "nt


  2. Example of azure-pipelines.yml

    "Installing SmartAssembly from $msiPath into $saInstallLocation" $p = Start-Process -FilePath msiexec -Args "/qn /i `"$msiPath`" INSTALLD


  3. Setting up a custom web server for reporting

    > ... </configuration> In SmartAssembly, click Options. Under Custom web server, select I want to use my own web server. Enter the URL of


  4. Configuring reporting on multiple computers

    Setting the reports database To use Automated Error Reporting or Feature Usage Reporting on more than one computer, the error reports mus


  5. Setting up error reporting

    , in the Project Settings window, go to Automated Error Reporting or click the icon in the toolbar: sa_errorreporting.gif Select I want er


  6. Setting up a custom web server for reporting

    > ... </configuration> In SmartAssembly, click Options. Under Custom web server, select I want to use my own web server. Enter the URL of


  7. Setting up error reporting

    , in the Project Settings window, go to Automated Error Reporting or click the icon in the toolbar: sa_errorreporting.gif Select I want er


  8. Example of azure-pipelines.yml

    "Installing SmartAssembly from $msiPath into $saInstallLocation" $p = Start-Process -FilePath msiexec -Args "/qn /i `"$msiPath`" INSTALLD


  9. Activate

    You'll need your SQL Toolbelt license key, which you can find on your invoice or by going to http://r


  10. Install

    cmdlets that you can use straightaway. For help getting started with these see Get started with the DLM Automation cmdlets. What else mig


  11. Installing the server components from the command line

    boxes that would appear. No information will be returned if an error arises. Use in combination with /VERYSILENT. /I <instance> Specifies


  12. Error validating migration scripts

    you've made. What can I do? We need to change the state we've stored for some of the existing migration scripts in your repository. These


  13. Using SmartAssembly with Azure Pipelines

    SmartAssembly from $msiPath into $saInstallLocation" $p = Start-Process -FilePath msiexec -Args "/qn /i `"$msiPath`" INSTALLDIR=`"$saInst


  14. SQL Release 1.2 release notes

    cmdlet. They're no longer included in the report by default. If you want to include them, see How do I include identicals in my change re


  15. Using SmartAssembly with Azure Pipelines

    *_x64.msi").FullName "Installing SmartAssembly from $msiPath into $saInstallLocation" $p = Start-Process -FilePath msiexec -Args "/qn /i `


  16. DLM Automation licenses and SQL Change Automation

    . This page explains the implications of the launch of SQL Change Automation for existing DLM Automation users. I purchased the SQL Toolbe


  17. Cannot run backup or restore operations

    the -I command line parameter to the named instance. For more information, see Using the command line.


  18. Issues caused by clock skew

    , and the machines being monitored, have synchronized clock settings. If not, you may experience the issues listed below. I can't log into


  19. Windows Task Scheduler

    , make sure the path is enclosed in quotation marks. image2017-4-5 15:4:27.png Select the Open the Properties dialog for this task when I


  20. Prepare for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 end of support for SQL Clone

    be released for newer versions of Windows. What happens if I continue to use Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2? You may continue using


  21. Working with SQL Code Formatting and Styles (Quick Ref)

    When I format my code, SQL Prompt changes it too, such as by adding semicolons. Why? When you run Format SQL, SQL Prompt will apply all t


  22. Installing the server components from the command line

    boxes that would appear. No information will be returned if an error arises. Use in combination with /VERYSILENT. /I <instance> Specifies


  23. Working with SQL Code Formatting and Styles (Quick Ref)

    When I format my code, SQL Prompt changes it too, such as by adding semicolons. Why? When you run Format SQL, SQL Prompt will apply all t


  24. TOML Configuration File

    definition) and these are used to facilitate expansion and coordination in the Flyway suite. Why am I getting "unknown configuration para


  25. Issues caused by clock skew

    , and the machines being monitored, have synchronized clock settings. If not, you may experience the issues listed below. I can't log into


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