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  1. Debugging into SharePoint and seeing the locals

    a very good debugging experience. This became clear recently when I did some experimenting on debugging SharePoint using Reflector VSPro.


  2. How do I include identical objects in my change report?

    By default the Changes.html report that's created as part of the database deployment resource doesn't include identical objects. You can


  3. How do I update an Octopus Deploy step template?

    You can add the latest version of DLM Automation step templates to your Octopu


  4. Command line switches

    initrans i logging l pctfree p tablespace t informationlifecyclemanagement m Specifying a value for /behavior, /ignore, or /storage clear


  5. Debugging into SharePoint and seeing the locals

    a very good debugging experience. This became clear recently when I did some experimenting on debugging SharePoint using Reflector VSPro.


  6. Debugging into SharePoint and seeing the locals

    a very good debugging experience. This became clear recently when I did some experimenting on debugging SharePoint using Reflector VSPro.


  7. Command line switches

    is none. Value Alias all a lobs b compression c extents e initrans i logging l pctfree p tablespace t informationlifecyclemanagement m Sp


  8. Can I profile Compact Framework applications?

    Can ANTS Performance Profiler profile applications for mobile devices running Windows CE and the .NET Compact Framework? Managed-code Win


  9. Can I profile Compact Framework applications?

    Can ANTS Performance Profiler profile applications for mobile devices running Windows CE and the .NET Compact Framework? Managed-code Win


  10. Command line switches

    options when comparing and scripting data sources. The default is none. Value Alias all a lobs b compression c extents e initrans i loggi


  11. Can I profile Compact Framework applications?

    Can ANTS Performance Profiler profile applications for mobile devices running Windows CE and the .NET Compact Framework? Managed-code Win


  12. Can I profile Compact Framework applications?

    Can ANTS Performance Profiler profile applications for mobile devices running Windows CE and the .NET Compact Framework? Managed-code Win


  13. Can I create my own replacement datasets?

    Data Masker delivers more than 100 replacement datasets which will help you achieve a like-for-like data masking policy as well as manage


  14. Profiling File IO

    poorly and writes to disc over a slow or unstable network connection, for example, I/O profiling may help you locate performance problems


  15. Can I create my own replacement datasets?

    Data Masker delivers more than 100 replacement datasets which will help you achieve a like-for-like data masking policy as well as manage


  16. Profiling File IO

    poorly and writes to disc over a slow or unstable network connection, for example, I/O profiling may help you locate performance problems


  17. Command line switches

    and scripting data sources. The default is none. Value Alias all a lobs b compression c extents e initrans i logging l pctfree p tablespa


  18. Profiling File IO

    poorly and writes to disc over a slow or unstable network connection, for example, I/O profiling may help you locate performance problems


  19. Profiling File IO

    poorly and writes to disc over a slow or unstable network connection, for example, I/O profiling may help you locate performance problems


  20. How do I update an Octopus Deploy step template?

    You can add the latest version of DLM Automation step templates to your Octopus Deploy library from the Octopus Deploy library website. H


  21. How do I include identical objects in my change report?

    By default the Changes.html report that's created as part of the database deployment resource doesn't include identical objects. You can


  22. Why do I need SQL Clone to copy databases?

    SQL Clone accelerates the delivery of database changes by providing a lightweight way of duplicating databases that is easily automated a


  23. What happens when I run the split table script?

    When you run the script to split a table, the secondary table is created and populated with data. The primary table, and any objects refe


  24. Why do I need SQL Clone to copy databases?

    SQL Clone accelerates the delivery of database changes by providing a lightweight way of duplicating databases that is easily automated a


  25. Restoring the master database

    "RESTORE DATABASE master FROM DISK = 'C:\Backups\master 20070101.sqb'" For a named instance, use the -I parameter to specify the instance


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