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  1. Setting up object locking

    DECLARE @NewLine AS CHAR(2) = CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) DECLARE @message NVARCHAR(MAX) SET @message = @NewLine + 'SQL Source Control' + @NewLin


  2. Example V2 migration scripts

    ' AND TABLE_NAME = 'Person' ) PRINT 'Object ''[dbo].[Person]'' could not be found - skipping migration.'; ELSE EXEC sp_rename '[dbo].[Pers


  3. Example - writing a V2 migration script that affects objects not yet in the target database

    commit the new schema to source control. 2. Migrating the data Next we’ll write a migration script to migrate the data from the old dbo.P


  4. Example - renaming a table without data loss

    table is committed to source control. 2: Create, test, and commit the migration script We want to rename the table in Dev and apply the c


  5. SQL Monitor 3.0 release notes

    SQL Monitor 2.3. If your current license includes a valid support and upgrades package for SQL Monitor 2.x, the same license serial numbe


  6. Installing SQL Monitor on IIS 2. Add IIS: ASP.NET 4.5 image2018-8-22_14-17-36.png 3. Add IIS Recommended Configur


  7. Backup verification

    is on, then on step 2 select the types of backup and the database to back up. In this example we will take full, differential and transac


  8. The Run Statistics Tab

    , the computer running masker, and the performance of your network). In most cases we recommend using 2-4 workers, and only increasing thi


  9. Refreshing Tables and Indexes stored in the masking set

    connected SCHEMA/DATABASE with those recorded in the current RULE CONTROLLER in the masking set. 2. Click the Tools Tab, Schema Comparato


  10. Missing Primary Key

    >].[<YourTable>] ADD [DMSIdentityCol] INT IDENTITY(1, 1) CONSTRAINT DMS_<YourTable>_PK PRIMARY KEY; Step 2: To ensure the new PK constrain


  11. Hardware and performance guidelines

    If you choose just the web interface, then this will be a 1- or 2-machine installation, with the Base Monitor and Web Server services run


  12. SQL Clone 4 release notes

    vulnerability was disclosed November 2, 2020 - SQL Clone 4.4.60 This release of SQL Clo


  13. New-DlmDatabasePackage

    creates the package. Finally the Export-DlmDatabasePackage cmdlet exports the package to file. ---------- EXAMPLE 2 ---------- $project =


  14. Publish-DlmDatabasePackage

    object produced by the New-DlmDatabasePackage cmdlet to a NuGet feed. ---------- EXAMPLE 2 ---------- $databasePackagePath = "c:\Work\pac


  15. Export-DlmDatabaseTestResults

    with a SQL Source Control project, only specifying the OutputFile parameter to export the results of the tests to a JUnit file. ---------


  16. Using Clones to Automate Build and Deployment of Complex Databases

    to create the shadow database (step 2), and you won't be able to proceed until this is resolved. Use a clone as a 'baseline' for a SQL Ch


  17. Integrating ANTS Performance Profiler in a test procedure

    , see Profiling from the command line (API). 2. Reading the results into the test harness Write a simple command line application to read


  18. Profiling ASP.NET applications running on IIS Express

    automatically. Click startprofilingbutton.gif Option 2: Profiling applications already configured in applicationhost.config file You can


  19. Profiling ASP.NET Core applications running on IIS Express

    queries and incoming HTTP calls will be profiled automatically. Click startprofilingbutton.gif Option 2: Profiling applications already c


  20. Using the Deployment Wizard

    is a backup, the option to deploy using SQL Data Compare is disabled. Instead, deploying creates a script to modify the data source which


  21. ReadyRoll 1.5 release notes | Blog post 2


  22. Integrating with ServiceNow

    ; //High inc.urgency = 2; //Medium } if(event.severity == 'Medium'){ //Medium impact + medium urgency results in moderate priority using d


  23. Choose components

    service). image2018-3-19_13-26-19.png Your choices will result in 1-, 2- or 3-machine installation, depending on the location of the SQL


  24. SQL Monitor Connection Error – Cannot generate SSPI context

    Microsoft Management Console (MMC) (Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services). Double-click the SQL Server service and, on the Gen


  25. Get-SqlMonitorAzureManagedInstance

    Pipeline Input True (ByValue) Accept Wildcard Characters false -Name <String> The Azure Managed Instance name to match. Aliases None Requ


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