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  1. Deploying static data with SQL Change Automation PowerShell

    database contains a static data table, Countries, with the following data: Id Name 1 United States of America 2 India 3 Germany The NuGet


  2. SQL Monitor connection error - Cannot generate SSPI context

    Console (MMC) (Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services). Double-click the SQL Server service and, on the General tab, click Stop.


  3. Using XML to specify command line arguments

    examples, use the <synchronize/> element. In all these examples, you can use a scripts folder or snapshot in place of a database. Use <sc


  4. Deploy Rules

    , add/edit the custom rule and enter 'false' in the Rule expression box Rule_false.png (2) Only run migration script in certain environmen


  5. List of alerts

    duration is 70% different to baseline Ignore jobs that run for less than 2 seconds. Type: Continuous Can have multiple thresholds applied


  6. Finding database files

    in the database, including the logical name and physical location of each file. For more information, refer to your SQL Server documentat


  7. Scheduling restore jobs

    Restore Jobs wizard comprises the following steps: Step 1: Select the SQL Server you want to restore to and the backup files to restore.


  8. Scheduling restores - select the destination database

    Scheduling restore jobs > Select destination server and backups to restore > Select destination database > Specify file locations > Speci


  9. Activating

    Activation Response. When the activation response is displayed under Step 2, copy all of it. Alternatively you can save the activation re


  10. SQL Backup 4.0 release notes

    e.g. BACKUP DATABASE pubs TO DISK = [<AUTO>] WITH THREADS = 2. New Job Failures tab, to see scheduled jobs which have caused an error. Fa


  11. What happens when I run the split table script?

    table and duplicated on the secondary table. Extended properties on level 2 objects (columns, constraints, triggers, and indexes): on obj


  12. Overview pages

    , Availability Groups (when set up), Processes, Error Log or Databases. (2) Server Selector Change to view information on your other Monit


  13. Components

    Studio extension | Getting started with SQL Change Automation Projects in Visual Studio 2. PowerShell Build components


  14. Get-SqlMonitorDatabase

    to match. Aliases None Required? false Position? 2 Default Value None Accept Pipeline Input False Accept Wildcard Characters false <Commo


  15. New-SqlMonitorADPrincipal Aliases None Required? true Position? 2 Default Value


  16. Dark mode

    Use the moon in the upper right corner to switch between dark and light modes for the Flyway Desktop GUI. image-2024-2-7_16-53-47.png


  17. The RESTORE command

    | ERASEFILES_SECONDARY = { days | hours{h} | except latest{b} } ] [ [ , ] FILEOPTIONS = { 1 | 2 | 3 } ] [ [ , ] KEEP_CDC ] [ [ , ] KEEP_R


  18. Maintenance Plan Conversion Wizard

    server components. The Maintenance Plan Conversion Wizard comprises the following steps: Step 1: select the SQL Server Step 2: select the


  19. Azure SQL Managed Instance failover group overview

    Failover Group or Replication%20-%20Feedback to help improve it. image2022-2-17_14-1-11.png The failover group overview shows all databas


  20. Get-SqlMonitorDisk

    Required? false Position? 2 Default Value None Accept Pipeline Input False Accept Wildcard Characters false <CommonParameters> This cmdle


  21. Get-SqlMonitorJob

    > The Job name to match. Aliases None Required? false Position? 2 Default Value None Accept Pipeline Input False Accept Wildcard Character


  22. Get-SqlMonitorLinuxMachine

    > The Machine name to match Aliases None Required? false Position? 2 Default Value None Accept Pipeline Input False Accept Wildcard Charac


  23. Scheduling backup jobs

    2: Select the types of backup you want to perform and the databases that you want to back up. Step 3: Define the details of the job sched


  24. Scheduling backups - verification,AlwaysOn and completion

    reminder option is only available if you selected the backup type Full on step 2 of the wizard. If you also selected Differential or Tran


  25. Log shipping - backup settings

    Log shipping > Specify databases > Backup settings > Network share > Restore settings >Schedule > Review summary On step 2 of the wizard,


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