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  1. Log changes to shared databases

    ChangeLog SET DB_CHAINING ON EXECUTE ('USE ChangeLog IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.sysusers WHERE name=''guest'') EXECUTE sp_grantdbac


  2. Import-DatabaseBuildArtifact

    package. The Publish-DatabaseBuildArtifact cmdlet then publishes the output object to a NuGet feed. ---------- EXAMPLE 2 ---------- $buil


  3. New-DatabaseProjectObject

    of a IProject object that can be used as the input for other SQL Change Automation cmdlets. ---------- EXAMPLE 2 ---------- $projectPath


  4. Import-DatabaseReleaseArtifact

    . ---------- EXAMPLE 2 ---------- $release = Import-DatabaseReleaseArtifact -Path "C:\Work\" This example shows how to


  5. SQL Change Automation PowerShell 3.3 release notes

    . 3.3.19183 - July 2, 2019 Features: Updates SQL Compare and SQL Data Compare to 3.3.19177 - June 26, 2019 Features: When de


  6. Monitoring status explained

    occurs continuously for 2 minutes, a Monitoring error ([host machine|SQL Server] data collection) alert is also raised. Suggested action:


  7. Configuring the development database

    Flyway Desktop will prompt you to link a development database if this hasn't already been set up. Click Link development database. image-2


  8. Ignoring SSL certificate warnings when generating reports

    In order to generate report PDFs, SQL Monitor connects to its Website service. If a website does not have a valid SSL certificate, this m


  9. Check for Updates

    Running the Flyway CLI will also give you a warning if you're not on the latest version. image-2024-2-7_12-13-14.png Frequency is for pat


  10. Use the TFS Build plugin

    This tutorial is only for TFS versions before TFS 2015 update 2. If you have a more recent TFS version, you should be using the VSTS Buil


  11. Create a YAML pipeline to build, clone, inspect code, and deploy for a Pull Request workflow

    an artifact. We now download that # to our self-hosted agent - task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@2 displayName: Download build artifact inpu


  12. Quickstart - Gradle

    , 'Axel'); insert into PERSON (ID, NAME) values (2, 'Mr. Foo'); insert into PERSON (ID, NAME) values (3, 'Ms. Bar'); and execute it by iss


  13. ReadyRoll 1.11 release notes

    ].[TransactionHistory] FROM '$(DeployPath)TransactionHistoryData.csv' WITH (FIELDTERMINATOR = ',', FIRSTROW = 2); When you deploy the proj


  14. ReadyRoll 1.4 release notes

    the <ReadyRollTargetsPath> element and replace the contents as follows: 1 2 3 <PropertyGroup> <ReadyRollTargetsPath>..\packages\ReadyRoll


  15. Octopus Deploy

    instance of SQL Server. This requires that a Tentacle is installed on each of your SQL Server host servers. For example, if you have 2 SQ


  16. SQL Monitor Connection Error – Cannot generate SSPI context

    Microsoft Management Console (MMC) (Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services). Double-click the SQL Server service and, on the Gen


  17. Choosing components

    service). image2021-10-25_14-14-9.png Your choices will result in 1-, 2- or 3-machine installation, depending on the location of the SQL


  18. Scheduling backups - select the backup type and database

    Scheduling backup jobs > Specify SQL Server > Select backup type and database > Create backup schedules > File settings > Processing and


  19. Creating backups - select the backup type and databases

    Creating backups > Specify SQL Server > Select backup type and database > File settings > Processing and encryption settings > Verificati


  20. Setting up a project with a SQL Source Control project in SSMS

    Change Automation by clicking on the SQL Change Automation icon in the toolbar. If it doesn't show here, it will be under the Tools drop-


  21. Creating backups - file settings

    2 MB) to the network share. You can use the MAXDATABLOCK keyword with the BACKUP command to limit the data block size. Managing backup fi


  22. Installing the server components from the command line

    if you want the SQL Backup Agent service to connect to the SQL Server instance using SQL authentication rather than Windows authenticatio


  23. Installing manually on Windows Server 2008

    Wizard, run SQBServerSetup.exe on the cluster node. On step 2 of the wizard, the clustered SQL Server instances will be shown in the list


  24. Installing manually on Windows Server 2003

    SQBServerSetup.exe on the cluster node. On step 2 of the wizard, the clustered SQL Server instances will be shown in the list of availabl


  25. Installing the server components on a SQL Server instance

    . Click Next to proceed to step 2 of the wizard: If you're installing on a local machine, specify the account the SQL Backup Agent service


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