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  1. Working with file paths, extensions, and processing options

    , and processing options To modify a file path, extension, and associated processing options, follow the steps shown above, but in step 2:


  2. Using the wizard to create compressed databases

    . The results are displayed on the final step of the wizard. For this example we will use all the default settings on step 2. Click Next t


  3. Working with file paths, extensions and processing options for SQL HyperBac

    To modify a file path, extension, and associated processing options, follow the steps shown above, but in step 2: Select an existing path


  4. Rewinding time with Back in Time mode

    -23_16-47-43.png You can use the drop down to select the last 6, 12, or 24 hours, 2 days or 3 days. If you need to go further back in time


  5. Licensing

    Example 1: You have 3 standalone Windows Servers, each with 15 SQL Server instances installed. You require 3 SQL Monitor licenses. Exampl


  6. Creating custom metrics and alerts

    , and entering and testing the T-SQL query on which the metric is based. Step 2. Add an alert - optionally base an alert on the metric by


  7. Get-SqlMonitorDatabase

    to match. Aliases None Required? false Position? 2 Default Value None Accept Pipeline Input False Accept Wildcard Characters false <Commo


  8. New-SqlMonitorADPrincipal Aliases None Required? true Position? 2 Default Value None Accept Pipeline I


  9. Deploy to multiple environments using Octopus Deploy 2. Add the "Overwrite preproduction with production" step The first


  10. Invoke-DlmDatabaseTests

    on a database. The output will be a TestResults object, which contains the test results. ---------- EXAMPLE 2 ---------- $testResults = I


  11. Use the VSTS Release extension

    Install. Choose the account you want to install to, and click Confirm. Click Close. 2. Create a release definition A VSTS release definit


  12. Preparing PostgreSQL for monitoring

    ; /* option 2 */ GRANT SELECT on myschema.mytable to redgatemonitor; /* option 3 */ ALTER USER redgatemonitor WITH SUPERUSER; /* option 4


  13. Configuring HTTPS for the default Redgate Monitor web server

    to max-age=63072000 (2 years). See for more guidance. { "customHeaders": { "Strict-Tran


  14. Migration guide to version 14

    . The underlying names of the services remain the same. image-2024-2-16_14-38-58.png This rename will be performed automatically during t


  15. SQL Compare 12.4 release notes

    fails to generate a deployment script when comparing 2 source control revisions that contain migration scripts. - August 21t


  16. New-SqlMonitorAzureSqlDatabase

    " -Password "sql_pass" -AzureAuthenticationMode SqlServerAuthentication $instance | Add-SqlMonitorMonitoredObject ------------------------


  17. Can't connect to Active Directory authentication service

    ". For complete instructions, see: Authenticating with Active Directory. image2021-2-1_9-33-4.png If nothing else works Follow the fix ins


  18. Update-SqlMonitorAlertSettingsComments

    . Aliases None Required? true Position? 2 Default Value 0 Accept Pipeline Input False Accept Wildcard Characters false -Comments <String>


  19. Add-SqlMonitorTags

    Pipeline Input True (ByValue) Accept Wildcard Characters false -Tags <String[]> {{ Fill Tags Description }} Aliases None Required? true P


  20. Quickstart - Flyway AutoPilot

    In this example, there are 2 changes; one is the stored procedure change we made above. You can click on any object to see a side-by-side


  21. Monitoring status explained

    occurs continuously for 2 minutes, a Monitoring error ([host machine|SQL Server] data collection) alert is also raised. Suggested action:


  22. SQL Monitor 9.1 Release Notes

    Fix groups in Estates pages disappearing when filtering Version 9.1.7 - October 2, 2019 Features SRP-12324 Estates pages use dynamic unit


  23. Configuring alerts

    as a Low alert after 45 seconds, be automatically escalated to a Medium alert after 90 seconds, and then to High after 2 minutes. When th


  24. Permissions

    as above, but specifying the new account credentials on step 2. Using a different security model You may want to use a different security


  25. SQL Prompt 7.1 release notes

    and select Highlight matching objects: image2016-1-7 14:2:38.png Suggestions improvements SQL Prompt now offers suggestions for the follo


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