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  1. Recovering objects

    as the destination database; you can continue to step 2 to select a backup source the server you select must be licensed for use with SQL


  2. Integrating the command line with applications

    in the installation directory, which by default is in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Red Gate\DLM Automation 2\SC". For SQL Change Automation V3


  3. Example configuration using virtualization software

    IDE hard drive of a machine running Windows XP Pro SP3 VM with .NET 3.5 SP1 installed. Physical memory: There is 2 GB of physical memory


  4. Getting Started

    (); flyway.migrate(); Quickstart: API Maven usage Seamless integration with


  5. Logging and log files

    10:20:19.552|Info |Performance Testing |9 |#9:Guid=58317ab7-0627-4261-9f33-fb2c5c01696a:Step=2:Seconds=0.000117291647881676:After=Copied


  6. Logging changes to shared databases

    IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.sysusers WHERE name=''guest'') EXECUTE sp_grantdbaccess guest') Step 2: Editing the config file After th


  7. Monitoring status explained

    continuously for 2 minutes, a Monitoring error ([host machine|SQL Server] data collection) alert is also raised. Suggested action: Check


  8. Splitting a column without data loss

    . The process is split into three commits: 1. Schema change Create two new columns Commit 2. Migration script Split and copy data to the n


  9. Branching and merging

    , branching occurs after the second migration script. Migration scripts 3 and 4 are siblings, with migration script 2 as their parent. Her


  10. Using the VSTS DLM Automation Build extension

    on that machine. 2. Create a project in Visual Studio In VSTS , go to your Default Collection. Under Recent projects & teams, click New.


  11. Using the TFS MSBuild scripts

    . If you can't see the project file, select MSBuild Project files (*.*proj) from the Items of type drop-down list. Under 2. Basic > Build


  12. Creating backups

    SQL Backup Pro provides the Back Up wizard to guide you through the process of creating a backup. To start the Back Up wizard, click icon


  13. Deployment scripts



  14. Release notes for SQL HyperBac

    Version 2 Release notes


  15. Hardware Usage

    or CPU reaches 70% consider scaling up/out. There are 2 main ways how you can scale redgate Clone solution - vertically, or horizontally.


  16. Data container revisions

    by running the following command: rgclone get data-containers NAME CONTAINER ID REVISION STATUS MESSAGE ENGINE CREATED dev-uchdwpkp 10001


  17. Export-DlmDatabaseTestResults

    , only specifying the OutputFile parameter to export the results of the tests to a JUnit file. ---------- EXAMPLE 2 ---------- $testResult


  18. Integrating the command line with applications

    in the installation directory, which by default is in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Red Gate\DLM Automation 2\SC". For SQL Change Automation V3


  19. Cherry Pick V1__first.sql V2__second.sql V3__third.sql


  20. Redshift

    IMMUTABLE AS $$ select $1 + $2; $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- Placeholder INSERT INTO ${tableName} (name) VALUES ('Mr. T'); Limitations Due to Reds


  21. Sybase ASE

    ) begin select @errorMsg = 'Cannot have 2 record with the same customer ID '+@customerID raiserror 99999 @errorMsg rollback end END GO --


  22. Tutorial - Baseline Migrations

    | +-----------+---------+-------------------+------+---------------------+---------+----------+ | Versioned | 1 | create two tables | SQL


  23. Aurora PostgreSQL

    PostgreSQL function CREATE FUNCTION add(integer, integer) RETURNS integer LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE STRICT AS $_$select $1 + $2;$_$; -- Plac


  24. Getting started with the Flyway Service

    in the following steps. 2. Setup Flyway environments Configure an environment to use in your Flyway TOML configuration file. (You can do


  25. Your first script

    PowerShell API Develop your first PowerShell script from scratch. Listing all clusters monitored by Redgate Monitor 1) Generate an authent


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