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  1. SQL Monitor database requirements

    will increase the SQL Monitor database by 10 GB. If the monitored servers, clusters, or machines have a large number of objects, the SQL


  2. Tab history

    tabs older than this: remove tabs older than this.png Bookmarking Tabs As of SQL Prompt 10, you can bookmark your favourite or most commo


  3. SQL Prompt 7.2 release notes

    in SSMS2008R2 under Windows 8.1 and 10 (Forum post Fix for wildcards not expandi


  4. Issues caused by clock skew SQL Moni



    normal to see some PAGEIOLATCH_* waits, but if you’re frequently seeing them with wait times consistently above 10 milliseconds and you’r



    * waits, but if you’re frequently seeing them with wait times consistently above 10 milliseconds and you’re experiencing some type of late



    normal to see some PAGEIOLATCH_* waits, but if you’re frequently seeing them with wait times consistently above 10 milliseconds and you’r



    place. It’s normal to see some PAGEIOLATCH_* waits, but if you’re frequently seeing them with wait times consistently above 10 millisecon



    normal to see some PAGEIOLATCH_* waits, but if you’re frequently seeing them with wait times consistently above 10 milliseconds and you’r


  10. SQL Monitor 4.0 release notes

    overview pages. You can: use the new Top 10 waits table to see what types of waits were affecting the system, how long SQL Server spent w


  11. Custom Webhook messages

    of the alert High {{alert-raised-time}} When the alert was originally raised 2022-10-12 17:46:30.2567915Z {{alert-event-time}} When this


  12. Add SQL Server On Linux

    : image2022-10-27_14-10-17.png Select Linux as the host operating system. In the machine name field, enter the server you want to monitor.


  13. Problems with IIS and ASP.NET

    HTTP Error 500.0 – ASP.NET Core IIS hosting failure (in-process) image2021-10-26_12-37-7.png First, make sure that you have ASP.NET Core M


  14. SQL Monitor database requirements

    will increase the SQL Monitor database by 10 GB. If the monitored servers, clusters, or machines have a large number of objects, the SQL


  15. Displaying metrics on the analysis graph

    Monitor plots up to a maximum of 500 data points on each graph and draws straight lines between consecutive points. For short time ranges


  16. Tab history (SQL Prompt v10.12 and older)

    to keep and click Remove tabs older than this: remove tabs older than this.png Starring Tabs As of SQL Prompt 10, you can star your favou


  17. SQL Prompt 6.3 release notes

    stored procedures are not decrypted properly) Fix for "GO 10" crash (Forum post


  18. Using filters

    the filter rules: On the Filter pane, clickimage2016-8-31 11:9:41.png Edit filter rules. The Edit filter rules dialog box is displayed: i


  19. SQL Prompt 7.3 release notes

    to select a style: image2016-8-3 16:10:52.png Disable formatting for blocks of code You can now disable SQL Prompt formatting for certain


  20. Worked example - using a scripts folder as a data source

    of the production database. Under Target, select Scripts folder. Click Create: image2016-8-31 14:10:29.png The Create New Scripts Folder


  21. SQL Prompt 7.3 release notes

    to select a style: image2016-8-3 16:10:52.png Disable formatting for blocks of code You can now disable SQL Prompt formatting for certain


  22. SQL Prompt 6.3 release notes

    for "GO 10" crash (Forum post Auto generated insert statements now use


  23. SQL Prompt 8.0 release notes

    :"Trust Server Certificate" being required when connecting with SQL Server Authentication inSSMS2016 and higher. Fix :Possibility to bloc


  24. Authenticating with Active Directory (TechNet). We recommend you create an administrator group and specify



    to a different disk, so they’re separate from database data files. See Storage Top 10 Best Practises


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