Search for " ٴ̾߱ Ӵ ٺġ ׸ƽ ü Ϻ߸ ˶Ʈ ͺ Ÿ" returned 802 results.

Search all the documentation for " ٴ̾߱ Ӵ ٺġ ׸ƽ ü Ϻ߸ ˶Ʈ ͺ Ÿ"

  1. SQL creation script

    WHERE WidgetPrices.Active = 'Y'; GRANT SELECT ON WidgetDev.CurrentPrices TO PUBLIC; CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE WidgetDev.prcActivatePric


  2. SQL creation script

    WHERE WidgetPrices.Active = 'Y'; GRANT SELECT ON WidgetDev.CurrentPrices TO PUBLIC; CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE WidgetDev.prcActivatePric


  3. Using SQL Compare filters in SQL Release

    'Staging' -Username 'sa' -Password 'P@ssw0rd' $test = New-DlmDatabaseConnection -ServerInstance 'test01\sql2012' -Database 'Test' -Userna


  4. Example - renaming a table without data loss

    ]', 'U') IS NULL BEGIN CREATE TABLE Dev.[dbo].[Person] (Name NCHAR(50)) INSERT INTO Dev.[dbo].[Person] VALUES ('James') INSERT INTO Dev.[d


  5. SQL Scripts Manager 1.1 release notes

    December 16th, 2010 New features: Contains 28 scripts written by expert DBAs Provides a UI frontend for T-SQL and Python scripts Opens rg


  6. Step 3 - Installing Redgate Clone

    asked about disabling swap to continue, press ‘Y’ Store the temporary password generated by the installer for usage in Admin Console acce


  7. SQL creation script

    WHERE WidgetPrices.Active = 'Y'; GRANT SELECT ON WidgetDev.CurrentPrices TO PUBLIC; CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE WidgetDev.prcActivatePric


  8. Profiling from the command line (API)

    :<argfile> File containing the XML argument specification. /out:<fileName> Redirects console output to the specified file. /project:<proje


  9. Using SQL Compare options with DLM Automation cmdlets

    -ServerInstance "staging01\sql2012" -Database "Staging" -Username "sa" -Password "P@ssw0rd" $test = New-DlmDatabaseConnection -ServerInst


  10. New-SqlCloneSqlScript

    Creates an ModificationScriptResource T-SQL modification for consumption by New-SqlCloneImage. Syntax New-SqlCloneSqlScript [-Sql] <strin


  11. Migrating projects with custom Migration Log name properties

    [$(DatabaseName)] BEGIN TRANSACTION IF OBJECT_ID('[$(NewMigrationLogSchemaName)].[__MigrationLog]', 'U') IS NULL AND OBJECT_ID('[$(OldMig


  12. Deploying a database using PowerShell scripts

    -ServerInstance your-server\sql2012 -Database WidgetStaging -Username sa -Password p@ssw0rd $productionState = New-DlmDatabaseConnection


  13. Test-DlmDatabaseConnection

    = New-DlmDatabaseConnection -ServerInstance "prod01\sql2014" -Database "Production" -Username "sa" -Password "P@ssw0rd" Test-DlmDatabaseC


  14. Formatting your code

    of the following: on the SQL Prompt menu, click Format SQL right-click in your query editor window and click Format SQL press Ctrl + K +


  15. Style rules

    . ST004 – SQL-92 style cursor declaration is used Use extended syntax instead. You use the DECLARE CURSOR command to define the attributes


  16. Data Generation MySQL worked example

    and finishing the setup in MySQL Workbench, execute the following at a command prompt: mysql -uroot -p Enter your password when prompted.


  17. How to search

    ([]) wildcard This [] wildcard matches one character from a list of characters. For example, search for '[xyz] ' to find all objects cont


  18. "ManagementException: Invalid class" while creating/deleting images or clones

    the WMI repository net stop winmgmt /y Winmgmt


  19. Profiling from the command line (API)

    :<argfile> File containing the XML argument specification. /out:<fileName> Redirects console output to the specified file. /project:<proje


  20. SQL Prompt 9.4 release notes

    through your scripts. You can now bring up the List of Code Analysis Issues using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+Y. Fixes SP-6956 : Fix


  21. SQL Source Control 3.8 release notes

    and layout Lines are now aligned with checkboxes Added delete button to search box Removed "X of Y objects selected" text Number of searc


  22. SQL creation script

    WHERE WidgetPrices.Active = 'Y'; GRANT SELECT ON WidgetDev.CurrentPrices TO PUBLIC; CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE WidgetDev.prcActivatePric


  23. Creating an Oracle data image from an RMAN backup

    commands. rman target <connection-string> backup database format '/host/backups/%U'; backup archivelog all format '/host/backups/ARC_%U';


  24. Rolling back

    with U), starting with the most recent, all the way back to the undo script that corresponds to the version to be rolled back to. Running


  25. Rolling back

    objects such as functions and procedures. Rolling back involves: Running pre-authored undo scripts (prefixed with U), starting with the m


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