Search for " ٴ̾߱ Ӵ ٺġ ׸ƽ ü Ϻ߸ ˶Ʈ ͺ Ÿ" returned 802 results.

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  1. Generating a new SSH key pair

    Redgate Monitor to connect with. This will use the Ed25519 algorithm for encryption: ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "<YOUR USERNAME>" Note, if


  2. Restoring the master database

    : SQLBackupC.exe -SQL "RESTORE DATABASE master FROM DISK = 'C:\Backups\master 20070101.sqb'" -I Instance2 If you are using SQL Server auth


  3. Rolling back

    pre-authored undo scripts (prefixed with U), starting with the most recent, all the way back to the undo script that corresponds to the v


  4. Rolling back

    pre-authored undo scripts (prefixed with U), starting with the most recent, all the way back to the undo script that corresponds to the v


  5. .NET Reflector 9.3 release notes

    ; } Pattern Matching int TestMethod1<T>(IEnumerable<T> arg) { switch (arg) { case IList<T> tmp: return 1; case IEnumerable<int> tmp when t


  6. Generic generators

    or G individual chars [FM] F or M initial ] in char set []] ] [x-y] range [0-9] eg. 3 or 9 complement [^abc] eg. d or # * zero or more ab


  7. .NET Reflector 10.1 release notes

    . The following code: bool TestMethod((int a, int b) X, (int a, int b) Y) { return (X.a != Y.a || X.b != Y.b) && // X != Y (Y.a == (X.a +


  8. .NET Reflector 10.1 release notes

    . The following code: bool TestMethod((int a, int b) X, (int a, int b) Y) { return (X.a != Y.a || X.b != Y.b) && // X != Y (Y.a == (X.a +


  9. About Command Rules

    occurs, it is possible to proceed to subsequent statements if the error is listed as permitted. In the second mode, the T-SQL statements


  10. Readable, consistently-formatted code

    inconsistencies and errors. Faster troubleshooting of T-SQL scripts – it is much easier to compare different two versions of the same scr


  11. Readable, consistently-formatted code

    inconsistencies and errors. Faster troubleshooting of T-SQL scripts – it is much easier to compare two different versions of the same scr


  12. Generic generators

    or G individual chars [FM] F or M initial ] in char set []] ] [x-y] range [0-9] eg. 3 or 9 complement [^abc] eg. d or # * zero or more ab


  13. .NET Reflector 9.3 release notes

    ; } Pattern Matching int TestMethod1<T>(IEnumerable<T> arg) { switch (arg) { case IList<T> tmp: return 1; case IEnumerable<int> tmp when t


  14. .NET Reflector 9.3 release notes

    ; } Pattern Matching int TestMethod1<T>(IEnumerable<T> arg) { switch (arg) { case IList<T> tmp: return 1; case IEnumerable<int> tmp when t


  15. Worked example - generating and viewing documentation

    WidgetDev.Widgets INNER JOIN WidgetDev.WidgetPrices ON Widgets.RecordID = WidgetPrices.WidgetID WHERE WidgetPrices.Active = 'Y'; GRANT SE


  16. Example: writing a V2 migration script that affects objects not yet in the target database

    be applied. This means the migration script will always work, no matter what state the deployment environment is in. IF OBJECT_ID('[dbo].


  17. Working with the HyperUtil.exe

    uses key files. /Q[uery] Display information about the source file. /T[est] Verify the integrity of the source file's contents. /E[xtract


  18. HyperUtil.exe

    for more information about how SQL Storage Compress uses key files. /Q[uery] Display information about the source file. /T[est] Verify th


  19. The Masking Plan Import from DB Form

    tab. N - Do not mask. This corresponds to a "No Mask" value in the Masking Plan column of the Tables in Set tab. U - Unknown. This corres


  20. Migrations, U for undo (configurable


  21. Pre-requisites check script

    /bin/id -u) -ne 0 ]]; then echo "This script requires root permissions. Please rerun using sudo." exit 1 fi errors=() function report_and_


  22. Example - writing a V2 migration script that affects objects not yet in the target database

    state the deployment environment is in. IF OBJECT_ID('[dbo].[PersonData]', 'U') IS NOT NULL --check if the denormalized table exists as a


  23. Generating a new SSH key pair

    Monitor to connect with. This will use the Ed25519 algorithm for encryption: ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "<YOUR USERNAME>" Note, if this doe


  24. CLI Reference

    # Token based authentication (CI/CD pipelines) rgclone auth -t "<access-token>" create data-image For Redgate Clone to create a database


  25. Using SQL Compare options in SQL Release

    sign to turn off a default option. $staging = New-DlmDatabaseConnection -ServerInstance 'staging01\sql2012' -Database 'Staging' -Username


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