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  1. The Masking Plan Import from DB Form

    tab. N - Do not mask. This corresponds to a "No Mask" value in the Masking Plan column of the Tables in Set tab. U - Unknown. This corres


  2. Failed to create data image from backup

    message Description Steps to resolve "Failed to determine size of backup: error when getting backup sizes: Path “my-backups/my-db.bak” do


  3. Data

    are using Undo scripts, make sure you add a U script as well to back out these changes as fit for your environment. In some cases, you mi


  4. CLI Reference

    execute the following once: echo "autoload -U compinit; compinit" >> ~/.zshrc To load completions for each session, execute once: rgclone


  5. Using SQL Compare options in SQL Release

    sign to turn off a default option. $staging = New-DlmDatabaseConnection -ServerInstance 'staging01\sql2012' -Database 'Staging' -Username


  6. .NET Reflector tips - Keyboard shortcuts

    that you've previously bookmarked: Toggle bookmark – Ctrl+K Allows you to set up a bookmark for a particular method, type or assembly. Op


  7. .NET Reflector tips - Keyboard shortcuts

    that you've previously bookmarked: Toggle bookmark – Ctrl+K Allows you to set up a bookmark for a particular method, type or assembly. Op


  8. New-SqlCloneImage

    \AdventureWorks-201701012210.bak') ` -Destination $ImageDestination $ImageOperation | Wait-SqlCloneOperation This example creates a new im


  9. Silverlight out-of-browser profiling stops with no results

    the profile child processes option is enabled Set the executable as c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe Set the arguments to be /K ""c:\program f


  10. New-SqlCloneImage

    \AdventureWorks-201701012210.bak') ` -Destination $ImageDestination $ImageOperation | Wait-SqlCloneOperation This example creates a new im


  11. Silverlight out-of-browser profiling stops with no results

    as c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe Set the arguments to be /K ""c:\program files (x86)\microsoft silverlight\sllauncher.exe"/emulate:"c:\Your


  12. .NET Reflector tips - Keyboard shortcuts

    that you've previously bookmarked: Toggle bookmark – Ctrl+K Allows you to set up a bookmark for a particular method, type or assembly. Op


  13. .NET Reflector tips - Keyboard shortcuts

    that you've previously bookmarked: Toggle bookmark – Ctrl+K Allows you to set up a bookmark for a particular method, type or assembly. Op


  14. Formatting your code

    of the following: on the SQL Prompt menu, click Format SQL right-click in your query editor window and click Format SQL press Ctrl + K +


  15. Working with HyperUtil.exe

    ]"path"] [-K"[path]keyfilename"] [-R[epair]] [-D[efrag]] [-I[gnore]] [-E[xtract]] [-F[illfactor]]fillfactor [-T[est]] [-V[erbose_output]]


  16. Formatting your code

    of the following: on the SQL Prompt menu, click Format SQL right-click in your query editor window and click Format SQL press Ctrl + K +


  17. Types of control

    (for example, <i>, <b>, <p>, <ul>, <li>, <h1>, h2>, <pre>) for formatting the text in the help window. In most cases, you will want to id


  18. Deployment

    " -Username "sa" -Password "p@ssw0rd" $DB2 = New-DlmDatabaseConnection -ServerInstance "your-server\sql2014" -Database "WidgetProduction"


  19. New-SqlCloneImage

    k') ` -Destination $ImageDestination $ImageOperation | Wait-SqlCloneOperation This example creates a new image from the backup file '\\red


  20. New-SqlCloneImage

    \AdventureWorks-201701012210.bak') ` -Destination $ImageDestination $ImageOperation | Wait-SqlCloneOperation This example creates a new im


  21. Types of control

    (for example, <i>, <b>, <p>, <ul>, <li>, <h1>, h2>, <pre>) for formatting the text in the help window. In most cases, you will want to id


  22. Sync-DlmDatabaseSchema

    "P@ssw0rd" Sync-DlmDatabaseSchema -Source $scriptsFolder -Target $test This example show how to update a test database to match a scripts


  23. Using SQL Compare options with DLM Automation cmdlets

    \sql2012" -Database "Staging" -Username "sa" -Password "P@ssw0rd" $test = New-DlmDatabaseConnection -ServerInstance "test01\sql2012" -Data


  24. Using SQL Compare filters in SQL Release

    'Staging' -Username 'sa' -Password 'P@ssw0rd' $test = New-DlmDatabaseConnection -ServerInstance 'test01\sql2012' -Database 'Test' -Userna


  25. Working with the command line and Docker, this command will reset the sh


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