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  1. LCK_M_RX_X

    the T-SQL is using serializable transaction level. Investigating Break long transactions down into shorter ones. See: Managing Long-Runni


  2. Script status information window

    The SQL Change Automation extension for Visual Studio includes a script status bar which displays above the document window, whenever you


  3. Installing on VMs running Ubuntu or RHEL

    to provide a TLS Certificate (e.g. my-certificate.crt) and a TLS Key (e.g. my-certificate.key) file. This allows us to ensure that all co


  4. Preparing to add monitored servers

    , using the trace flag 2451. If set through a T-SQL query this will reset on server restart. For SQL Server on Windows this can be set per


  5. Setting up object locking

    OR redgate.locked_objects.os_user != current_os_user ); RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20078,'You can''t ' || ora_sysevent || ' ' || ora_dict_o


  6. Problems when restoring from a backup to a compressed database

    a SQL Storage Compress license. If you are using a T-SQL script and the available disk space is less than the space that would be require


  7. SQL Server error 3257 - Insufficient free space

    You may encounter the following error when restoring a backup to a compressed database using a T-SQL script: Msg 3257, Level 16, State 1,


  8. Operating system error 31

    the following T-SQL statement for each database: ALTER DATABASE <database name> SET OFFLINE followed by: ALTER DATABASE <database name> S


  9. Operating system error 38

    . or, Make sure you are connected to the master database, then run the following T-SQL statement for the database: ALTER DATABASE <databas


  10. Example Python scripts

    (): if not line.startswith("ISO"): items = line.split('\t') yield items[0] #ISO 639-3 #yield items[1] #ISO 639-2 #yield items[2] #ISO 639-


  11. How SQL Monitor connects to monitored servers

    , plus T-SQL queries that access various SQL Server Dynamic Management Views and system catalog views, tables and properties. It may also


  12. Create a custom metric and alert

    the T-SQL query on which the metric is based. Step 2. Add an alert – optionally base an alert on the metric by completing sections simila


  13. How SQL Monitor works

    computers, via WMI, and it interrogates the SQL Server service conventionally using T-SQL via TDS. The WMI protocol used by SQL Monitor c


  14. SQL Server and host machine metrics

    SQL Server metrics Counters SqlServer:SqlStatistics Batch requests/sec Number of T-SQL batch requests received by SQL Server per second,


  15. Excluding objects from script verification

    In some situations, it can be desirable to exclude certain objects or T-SQL batches from the project verification process. In particular,


  16. Unable to cast object of type 'System.DBNull' to type 'System.String'

    , hopefully, allow you to track down the object that is causing the issue. T he results can often be hard to analyze and knowing where NUL


  17. Renaming objects

    an object using SQL Server Management Studio or Enterprise Manager Rename, or the T-SQL sp_rename command, the object definition will con


  18. Create a custom metric and alert

    the T-SQL query on which the metric is based. Step 2. Add an alert – optionally base an alert on the metric by completing sections simila


  19. How SQL Monitor connects to monitored servers

    , plus T-SQL queries that access various SQL Server Dynamic Management Views and system catalog views, tables and properties. It may also


  20. Using a SQL Clone image as a baseline

    which do not defer name resolution when created in T-


  21. Include Scripts

    migrations or programmable objects due to limitations within the T-SQL parser. How it works Create a folder in the root of your project c


  22. SQL Server and host machine metrics

    SQL Server metrics Counters SqlServer:SqlStatistics Batch requests/sec Number of T-SQL batch requests received by SQL Server per second,


  23. How SQL Monitor works

    computers, via WMI, and it interrogates the SQL Server service conventionally using T-SQL via TDS. The WMI protocol used by SQL Monitor c


  24. MSQL_DQ

    type of bottleneck caused by the query, such as bad or missing indexes or inappropriate T-SQL code. Investigating the remote resource Sin


  25. OLEDB

    some type of bottleneck caused by the query, such as bad or missing indexes or inappropriate T-SQL code. Look for queries using BULK INSE


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