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  1. Static data

    > Link or unlink static data. A dialog box opens with the Link/unlink static data tab selected: ssc-data-link-dialog.jpg The dialog box s


  2. User processes, Error log and databases

    the focus window. Results per page can be selected, and pages can be navigated through with the pagination tool on the right. image2023-3


  3. How to search

    Search can be found in the Tools menu. vs-tools-menu.png How to search To search, type in the search bar: ss2_searchbar_switcher.PNG Cont


  4. File location tags

    zero (00-23). n Displays the minute without a leading zero (0-59). nn Displays the minute with a leading zero (00-59). s Displays the sec


  5. Renaming a table without data loss

    in our migration script to avoid these issues. In Object Explorer, refresh talkr_dev to check that the table is renamed to customers: new


  6. Splitting a column without data loss

    first_name, last_name columns: image2016-2-10 11-33-31.png Commit the changes to source control. We're now ready to copy the data to the


  7. Data container branch

    ) and a data container from it (also with an id 3). image2021-12-7_15-40-17.png Notice in the last line above that the created data contai


  8. Setting data sources

    specify this information on the Project Configuration dialog box: image2018-9-6_10-57-18.png Selecting data sources Specify the two data


  9. Setting up a project with an existing database in SSMS

    . image2019-12-12_11-55-46.png Next click on New Database and provide valid entries for the development database to create. We'll call our


  10. Include scripts

    -deployment and post-deployment scripts. Migration scripts and programmable objects do not support SQLCMD syntax due to limitations within


  11. Using SQL Monitor for the first time

    :<portnumber>. Create an Administrator password to log in to SQL Monitor: image2018-3-19_14-53-2.png If you don't see the Create password


  12. ANTS Performance Profiler 6.2 release notes

    February 9th, 2011 This version removes a dependency on the Microsoft J# runtime, thereby making installation both quicker and more relia


  13. ReadyRoll 1.4 release notes

    ] to sysadmin role on local SQL instance "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tools\Binn\sqlcmd.exe" -S . -E -Q "ALTER SERVER ROLE [sy


  14. Configuring the SQL Monitor database

    installer: image2018-3-19_14-33-0.png For the SQL Monitor database, you can either: use an , or use a database created by SQL Monitor Gen


  15. Rewinding time with Back in Time mode

    -23_16-47-43.png You can use the drop down to select the last 6, 12, or 24 hours, 2 days or 3 days. If you need to go further back in time


  16. The HTTP Requests from client view

    . HTTP requests from the client are shown in the call tree with a green icon http-request-from-client-icon.png To view all the requests fr


  17. The HTTP Requests from client view

    . HTTP requests from the client are shown in the call tree with a green icon http-request-from-client-icon.png To view all the requests fr


  18. Replication

    image-2023-9-4_11-13-52.png The role gives some context for the charts and settings shown in the Replication section. Settings Some repli


  19. Turning on Frequent Updates

    : configure-frequent-updates.png This lists available updates. Click Configure visible updates. The Configure visible updates dialog opens


  20. Using new Check for updates

    scripts. To check for updates for a Redgate product, on the Help menu, click Check for updates. Any available updates are listed: image20


  21. List of metrics

    requests/sec Number of T-SQL batch requests received by SQL Server per second, averaged since last collection time. Equivalent PerfMon co


  22. Using styles

    the active style, in the Formatting styles window, for the style you want to set as active, click image2016-8-3 16:9:25.png and select Se


  23. Resources section is empty

    . For example: resources-empty.png To fix this issue, restart the Base Monitor service: On the machine where you installed the Base Monito


  24. Viewing connection information for monitored servers

    , select Monitored servers. monitored-servers.png For the server you want to check, click the inline Show log link. By default, only recen


  25. Installing the SQL Clone server

    Server is a web app, so it must be installed on a machine that is visible from everywhere you want to use SQL Clone. sql clone diagram 7.


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