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  1. Level Up - Tech 2024

    image-2024-6-7_13-49-3.png image-2024-6-7_13-49-29.png


  2. Custom metrics and alerts

    monitored object. It does so by running a T-SQL query against the objects at regular intervals and displaying the collected values as dat


  3. HyperUtil.exe

    command verifies the contents of the SQL Storage Compress compressed data file,AdventureWorks_Data_SSC.mdfx: HyperUtil.exe /S"C:\Data\Adv


  4. Example V2 migration scripts

    ) = 'Description' ) BEGIN PRINT 'Column [Description] couldn''t be altered because it is being referenced.'; RETURN --None of the statemen


  5. Command line switches

    } [AS ...] (/indirect) LDAP (user/pass|/)@ldap{SchemaA, SchemaB} [AS ...] /target:<value> Alias: /t The data source and schema(s) to use a


  6. Command line switches

    } [AS ...] (/indirect) LDAP (user/pass|/)@ldap{SchemaA, SchemaB} [AS ...] /target:<value> Alias: /t The data source and schema(s) to use a


  7. New-SqlCloneSqlScript

    Creates an ModificationScriptResource T-SQL modification for consumption by New-SqlCloneImage. Syntax New-SqlCloneSqlScript [-Sql] <string


  8. Opening an existing project

    -22_16-34-24.png Navigate to and select folder containing the RCC configuration file(s) and click Open. image2021-3-22_16-34-33.png If the


  9. Additional Scripts

    Additional Scripts are a re-usable type of T-SQL script that allow you to include logic to deploy the same object more than once (i.e. us


  10. Step 3 - Installing Redgate Clone

    : image2022-3-31_13-53-25.png If you get errors during host preflight checks, retry the above command using the flag host-preflight-ignore


  11. Example V2 migration scripts

    ) AND referenced_major_id = OBJECT_ID('widgets') AND COL_NAME( referenced_major_id, referenced_minor_id) = 'Description' ) BEGIN PRINT 'C


  12. Include Scripts

    within the T-SQL parser. How it works Create a folder in the root of your project called Includes and add any files that you wish to refe


  13. How do I synchronize changes to an item with no logical join?

    technique to ripple the changes across tables in the database(s). Other times, we’re not quite so lucky and we’re left with no other opti


  14. Static data

    ; MERGE INTO dbo.Shippers AS target USING ( VALUES (1, N'Speedy Express', N'(503) 555-9831'), (2, N'United Package', N'(503) 555-3199'), (


  15. How SQL Monitor connects to monitored servers

    HTTPS for automation: when over DCOM, it uses RPC/TPC. How-SQL-Monitor-connects-servers-diagram.png Whichever way you choose to connect,


  16. Options used in the command line

    triggers following deployment. DisableAndReenableDMLTriggers Alias: t Disables DML triggers on tables and views before deploying the data


  17. How do I synchronize changes to an item with no logical join?

    technique to ripple the changes across tables in the database(s). Other times, we’re not quite so lucky and we’re left with no other opti


  18. Options used in the command line

    deploying the databases, and re-enable those triggers following deployment. DisableAndReenableDMLTriggers Alias: t Disables DML triggers


  19. Options used in the command line

    triggers following deployment. DisableAndReenableDMLTriggers Alias: t Disables DML triggers on tables and views before deploying the data


  20. Variables

    . ReadyRoll-SQLCMDVariable-VariableSampleProj.png Using the $(VariableName) notation, reference the variable you just created in a new mig


  21. Options used in the command line

    triggers following deployment. DisableAndReenableDMLTriggers Alias: t Disables DML triggers on tables and views before deploying the data


  22. Opening an existing project

    a version control system to your own local working area. Launch Redgate Change Control from the start menu and click Open project... imag


  23. Charities

    -7_13-10-58.png We are FoodCycle, and our vision is to make food poverty, lo


  24. New-SqlCloneSqlScript

    New-SqlCloneSqlScript Creates an ModificationScript T-SQL modification for consumption by New-SqlCloneImage. Syntax New-SqlCloneSqlScript


  25. PostgreSQL instance and host machine metrics

    connections to a Postgres Instance at a given time. Block write time The time in ms/s which queries have spent waiting on I/O to write bl


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