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  1. About Split Partition Manager Rules (Oracle Only)

    and click "Convert to Split Partition Mgr. Rule". The original rule becomes a template to run against each partition. image2019-4-8_9-21-


  2. Getting Started

    (or type) of article. image2020-3-31_18-31-11.png V


  3. Logging and log files

    Log Levels, and then click the required log level. image2016-8-31 14:32:5.png Select a minimum log level based on how much information yo


  4. Warnings

    On the Summary page of the Deployment Wizard, you can click Warnings to view information about unexpected behavior that may occur when yo


  5. Exporting the comparison results

    (CSV) files: On the Tools menu, click Export CSV files. The Export Comparison Results dialog box is displayed. image2016-8-31


  6. Filtering the comparison with a WHERE clause

    is displayed: image2016-8-31 14:41:33.png To apply the same WHERE clause to multiple tables, use SHIFT+Click or CTRL+Click. Alternatively


  7. Mapping owners

    :39.png You use the Owner Mapping tab to map different owners (schemas). The upper pane displays a list of schemas, database roles, and da


  8. What's a comparison key?

    and WidgetDeploy each contain the table [dbo].[WidgetPrices]: image2016-8-31 16:15:41.png Since rows can be inserted and deleted, we can'


  9. The operation could not be performed because the OLE DB provider 'SQLOLEDB' was unable to begin a distributed transaction...

    the update is performed. Solution Use a different transaction isolation level image2016-8-31 11:3:58.png In Tools–>Application Options, c


  10. SQL Compare shows identical objects as different

    , which can be accessed by right-clicking on the object in the results pane. image2016-8-31 11:27:1.png The object is listed in the "ident


  11. Logging and log files

    -> Logging -> Minimum log levels, and then click the required log level. image2016-8-31 15:29:56.png Select a minimum log level based on


  12. Authentication

    image2019-5-8_7-44-15.png Deleting authentication tokens Tokens can be deleted from SQL monitor in the table of tokens. Remove extra scre


  13. Working with scripts folders

    : image2016-8-31 16:39:35.png Under Source for new scripts folder, specify the details of the source for the scripts folder. You can creat


  14. Profiling from the command line (API)

    of the .NET Core assembly. /profileSubprocesses (Alias: /sp) Profile both the target and any child processes spawned. /timeout:<timeout>


  15. Walkthrough: Set up Continuous Integration And Release Management

    In this tutorial, you'll set up database lifecycle management using Redgate tools, including the DLM Automation TeamCity plugin: Stage-2.


  16. Profiling web requests (HTTP requests)

    code uses one of those services. The profiler divides web requests into Requests from client and Outgoing HTTP requests: web-request-diag


  17. Profiling from the command line (API)

    of the .NET Core assembly. /profileSubprocesses (Alias: /sp) Profile both the target and any child processes spawned. /timeout:<timeout>


  18. Profiling an ASP.NET Core application on IIS Express

    variables and run the app as 32-bit by clicking Show startup options: image2020-11-20_0-34-51.png If you want to record extra performance


  19. Keyboard navigation

    browser) D (on conflicted object) Use database version of conflicted object S (on conflicted object) Use source control version of confli


  20. Installing and running SQL Prompt

    To install SQL Prompt, you must have administrator privileges. If you're upgrading from a previous version, the installer does all the pr


  21. Logging and log files

    -> Logging -> Minimum log levels, and then click the required log level. image2016-8-31 15:29:56.png Select a minimum log level based on


  22. SQL Compare shows identical objects as different

    , which can be accessed by right-clicking on the object in the results pane. image2016-8-31 11:27:1.png The object is listed in the "ident


  23. The operation could not be performed because the OLE DB provider 'SQLOLEDB' was unable to begin a distributed transaction...

    the update is performed. Solution Use a different transaction isolation level image2016-8-31 11:3:58.png In Tools–>Application Options, c


  24. Installing and running SQL Prompt

    To install SQL Prompt, you must have administrator privileges. If you're upgrading from a previous version, the installer does all the pr


  25. SQL Prompt 8.0 release notes

    function. SP-6444 :Improved word boundary matching used in suggestions and action lists. SP-6446 :Fix default values for T-SQL date and t


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