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  1. Tutorial: Entity Framework CodeFirst migrations

    Framework Code First (Contoso University, as shown below: VS-SE-Contoso.


  2. How do I change a Primary Key value and all associated Foreign Keys?

    the core Data Masker demo database structures, implemented in a single database. The starting masking set looks like: v6tt2.0.png …and we


  3. Shuffle Rules

    it easier to manually "guess" which column data was originally associated with each row. You cannot shuffle the primary key column(s) - i


  4. Using Repeatable Migrations to manage data

    VALUES(1, 'Recommendation'), (2, 'Review'), (3, 'Internet'); MERGE INTO dbo.MarketingReasons AS target USING #MarketingReasons AS source


  5. File location tags

    number (0000-9999). h Displays the hour without a leading zero (0-23). hh Displays the hour with a leading zero (00-23). n Displays the m


  6. Generating migrations

    column headers. image2020-9-3_11-48-46.png 3. Generate scripts for the selected objects. Select each object that you are ready to script


  7. Setting up a project with a companion tSQLt project in SSMS

    : image2020-7-10_13-14-22.png 2. Create a local Git repo, which will hold two projects, and add a .gitignore file First, download and inst


  8. Setting up a Subversion (SVN) server TortoiseSVN documentation chapter 3 - The Repository


  9. Configuring a VMWare host then adding the Virtual Machine

    configuration page. To register a host go to Configuration > Monitoring > VMware Hosts: image2018-3-20_10-57-59.png Click on Add Virtual


  10. ANTS Performance Profiler 6.2 release notes

    February 9th, 2011 This version removes a dependency on the Microsoft J# runtime, thereby making installation both quicker and more relia


  11. Editing custom metrics and alerts

    is displayed at the top of the page: image2018-3-20_10-16-9.png What happens to alerts associated with disabled metrics? If data is no lo


  12. SQL Prompt 7.0 release notes

    , the following snippet uses a table_name placeholder to insert a table name in three places: image2015-6-3 14:31:58.png To create a place


  13. Splitting a table

    for the table. Click Next. sp_split_table2.png To assign columns from the primary to the secondary table, select the column(s) and click


  14. SQL Prompt 7.0 release notes

    , the following snippet uses a table_name placeholder to insert a table name in three places: image2015-6-3 14:31:58.png To create a place


  15. Splitting a table

    for the table. Click Next. sp_split_table2.png To assign columns from the primary to the secondary table, select the column(s) and click


  16. Advanced

    to minimize the vulnerability risk. To reset the TLS certificate, run: kubectl annotate secret kotsadm-tls acceptAnonymousUploads=1 -n de


  17. Slow backup or restore operations

    , Database 2 and Database 3 in C:\Backups\Database 1\Full, C:\Backups\Database 2\Full and C:\Backups\Database 3\Full respectively: "BACKUP


  18. Working with projects

    Studio Object Explorer: document-database-ssms.png SQL Doc stores the following information as part of the project: SQL Server connection


  19. Adding a VMWare host

    configuration page. To register a host go to Configuration > Monitoring > VMware Hosts image2018-3-20_10-57-59.png Click on Add Virtual H


  20. How do I change a Primary Key value and all associated Foreign Keys?

    the core Data Masker demo database structures, implemented in a single database. The starting masking set looks like: v6tt2.0.png …and we


  21. Get-SqlCloneBackupLocation

    full paths to your backup file(s) using the BackupFileName argument. The Get-SqlCloneBackupLocation cmdlet gets details of existing backu


  22. Installing an Agent to create a clone

    file for every agent (SingleUseSqlCloneAgentInstaller.exe), as each executable file contains a unique key that can only be used once. Art


  23. SQL Prompt 7.3 release notes

    want to set as active, click image2016-8-3 16:9:25.png and select Set as active. Alternatively, in a query window, right-click and use th


  24. Global Dashboard

    of the currently displayed alert, you will navigate to the Alert Details page for that alert. If there is more than one active alert, you


  25. Working with projects

    Studio Object Explorer: document-database-ssms.png SQL Doc stores the following information as part of the project: SQL Server connection


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