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  1. Incorrect service account credentials

    account under the Generic Credentials section. It will be in the form SQL_Monitor_AD_ServiceAccount_<Domain> like this: image2020-7-29_9-


  2. Ignoring additional waits

    the output of the SELECT statements in Step 1. You should see output similar to the following: image2020-6-18_18-8-29.png Note that the n


  3. Adding custom metrics and alerts

    metric from the Show drop-down list: image2018-3-20_9-24-48.png What is a custom alert? A custom alert warns you when a custom metric val


  4. WMI over DCOM

    Management Instrumentation" service. wmi-config.PNG 2. Follow steps in this MSDN article: Setting Up a Fixed Port for WMI


  5. Starting up SQL Monitor for the first time

    in the SQL Monitor UI, by supplying a password for the administrator account: image2019-1-23_13-48-2.png The password you enter automatic


  6. What is SQL Monitor

    . SQL-Monitor-architecture-diagram.png SQL Monitor watches the whole SQL Server estate and raises alerts that warn the DBA of actual or im


  7. Using the SQL Monitor metrics website

    of the links to the website. A panel displayed near the bottom of the page provides links and information about the site content: image20


  8. Finding additional metric information

    , click the Description tab to display detailed information about the selected metric. metric-description.png For custom metrics, the deta


  9. Blocking Processes overview

    , Database and Total blocking time, as shown in the image below. image2018-3-19_15-24-14.png Total blocking time Total blocking time is th


  10. Deploy from a development database using Octopus Deploy and PowerShell

    Next. image2018-6-13_16-2-35.png The Tentacle is on the same machine as the Octopus Server, so it doesn't need any further configuration


  11. Migrations

    . The new script will be added to the project with the following auto-generated filename: [nextNumber]_[date]-[time]_[username].sql image2


  12. FAQs

    : image2020-6-30_14-31-26.png If you try to access the instance, then you will get a The agent on [MACHINE_NAME] needs additional permissi


  13. Using the Alert Inbox

    to manually refresh your browser. image2019-1-30_13-11-41.png The status of each alert is shown in the Status column: 02 Status is the st


  14. Scheduling backups - file settings

    (SQL Backup Pro 7.3 and later) or a network location, and configure settings to manage existing backup files. ScheduleBackupStep4.png Cho


  15. Example Scripts

    PowerShell API Example scripts for the PowerShell Module are included in SQL Monitor. To view these scripts: Navigate to the Configuration


  16. Multiple Base Monitor installations

    Base Monitor may exceed desirable thresholds. you have machines running in a DMZ. Multiple-Base-Monitors-diagram.png Next step Installing


  17. Alerts

    image2018-9-18_11-0-20.png SQL Monitor raises alerts when it detects problems across your servers. What alerts does SQL Monitor raise? SQ


  18. The New Cross Database Table-to-Table Rule Form

    image2019-4-3_16-21-23.png The Data Masker Create/Edit Cross Database Table-to-Table Rule Form This form is used to create and edit Data


  19. Data Masker for Oracle 6.0

    Using DataMasker.exe to automate masking sets runs has been deprecated in 6.1.1 and will be removed in the next major release of Data Mas


  20. Rule Blocks and Dependencies – are they really necessary?

    by right clicking on it and choosing "Remove Dependency". If the rule itself has dependents these will be maintained. image2019-5-30_9-59


  21. The New XML Masker Rule Form

    contain the text Invalid object name. Any errors which do not contain this text will still cause the masking operations to halt. image201


  22. Deploy to multiple environments using Octopus Deploy and PowerShell

    should look like this: image2018-6-14_10-57-36.png 7. Create a release and deploy Deploy to Preproduction to validate the update script b


  23. State, commit mode and failover information

    availability-replica-info.png The states in the table below are listed in order of severity, with the most severe first. State Explanatio


  24. What are the key things I need to know when getting started with Data Masker?

    -41-6.png The Substitution Rule dialogue is intuitive, choosing the table, the column and the replacement dataset. What you may not readil


  25. Data Masker for Oracle 6.1 (Archived)

    – Data Masker 6.1.12 Features Generating PARFILEs from the UI command line (-G) will now prompt for where it should be saved. Added a lin


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