Search for " ǽð ؿܹ ǰ Ʈ 缳 Ƣ Ʈ ߰ 缳 " returned 698 results.

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  1. Code Analysis for SQL Server command line

    . If no user is specified, Windows authentication will be used /password:<password> /p The user password /outfile:<file name> /out The fil


  2. Using the .NET Reflector Power Commands

    choice. Note that for a class this will expand all the methods automatically, so in the picture above selecting "Text" will copy the enti


  3. Using the .NET Reflector Power Commands

    choice. Note that for a class this will expand all the methods automatically, so in the picture above selecting "Text" will copy the enti


  4. OLEDB

    some type of bottleneck caused by the query, such as bad or missing indexes or inappropriate T-SQL code. Look for queries using BULK INSE


  5. MSQL_DQ

    some type of bottleneck caused by the query, such as bad or missing indexes or inappropriate T-SQL code. Investigating the remote resourc


  6. Installing on VMs running Ubuntu or RHEL

    to provide a TLS Certificate (e.g. my-certificate.crt) and a TLS Key (e.g. my-certificate.key) file. This allows us to ensure that all co


  7. Unable to cast object of type 'System.DBNull' to type 'System.String'

    , hopefully, allow you to track down the object that is causing the issue. T he results can often be hard to analyze and knowing where NUL


  8. Renaming objects

    an object using SQL Server Management Studio or Enterprise Manager Rename, or the T-SQL sp_rename command, the object definition will con


  9. Problems when restoring from a backup to a compressed database

    a SQL Storage Compress license. If you are using a T-SQL script and the available disk space is less than the space that would be require


  10. SQL Server error 3257 - Insufficient free space

    You may encounter the following error when restoring a backup to a compressed database using a T-SQL script: Msg 3257, Level 16, State 1,


  11. Operating system error 31

    the following T-SQL statement for each database: ALTER DATABASE <database name> SET OFFLINE followed by: ALTER DATABASE <database name> S


  12. Operating system error 38

    . or, Make sure you are connected to the master database, then run the following T-SQL statement for the database: ALTER DATABASE <databas


  13. Using SQL Compare options in SQL Release

    sign to turn off a default option. $staging = New-DlmDatabaseConnection -ServerInstance 'staging01\sql2012' -Database 'Staging' -Username


  14. Include scripts

    -deployment and post-deployment scripts. Migration scripts and programmable objects do not support SQLCMD syntax due to limitations within


  15. ANTS Performance Profiler 6.2 release notes

    February 9th, 2011 This version removes a dependency on the Microsoft J# runtime, thereby making installation both quicker and more relia


  16. Include Scripts

    migrations or programmable objects due to limitations within the T-SQL parser. How it works Create a folder in the root of your project c


  17. SQL Monitor 3.0 release notes

    own T-SQL queries to collect metric values that aren't currently collected by default. They can also be used to collect application-speci


  18. Unable to cast object of type 'System.DBNull' to type 'System.String'

    , hopefully, allow you to track down the object that is causing the issue. T he results can often be hard to analyze and knowing where NUL


  19. Renaming objects

    an object using SQL Server Management Studio or Enterprise Manager Rename, or the T-SQL sp_rename command, the object definition will con


  20. Unable to cast object of type 'System.DBNull' to type 'System.String'

    , hopefully, allow you to track down the object that is causing the issue. T he results can often be hard to analyze and knowing where NUL


  21. Renaming objects

    an object using SQL Server Management Studio or Enterprise Manager Rename, or the T-SQL sp_rename command, the object definition will con


  22. Programmable Objects

    that change into your database project. ReadyRoll also supports scripting these Programmable Objects to individual T-SQL scripts. This al


  23. Script status information window

    The SQL Change Automation extension for Visual Studio includes a script status bar which displays above the document window, whenever you


  24. Generic generators

    ! \\ \ \. . \^ ^ \$ $ \{ { \[ [ \] \] \( ( \| | \) ) \* * \+ + \? ? \a alarm character \b backspace \d digit \e escape \f formfeed \n new


  25. LCK_M_RIn_NL

    , insertions and deletions when the T-SQL is using serializable transaction level. Investigating Break long transactions down into shorter


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