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  1. Style rules

    . ST004 – SQL-92 style cursor declaration is used Use extended syntax instead. You use the DECLARE CURSOR command to define the attributes


  2. The Activity History

    you want to see the activity history in the Registered SQL Servers pane. image2017-3-29 7:52:44.png To update the details, on the View me


  3. Remove-SqlMonitorGroup

    Removes groups from SQL Monitor. Syntax Remove-SqlMonitorGroup [-Groups] <Group[]> [<CommonParameters>] Description Removes groups from SQ


  4. Command line syntax

    : /s Specifies the SQL server instance to connect to. sqldatagenerator /server:Widget_Server\SQL2012 /database:WidgetTest /database:<datab


  5. Redgate Change Automation 2 release notes

    generated by release-prepare. Removed the `--suites (-s)` argument from rca test and always run all of the utPLSQL tests in the project s


  6. Switching branches

    Refresh. The differences between the two branches are displayed. Select the objects in the list, then right-click on them and click Rever


  7. ReadyRoll 1.4 release notes

    ] to sysadmin role on local SQL instance "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tools\Binn\sqlcmd.exe" -S . -E -Q "ALTER SERVER ROLE [sy


  8. Attaching files to error reports

    The information on this page applies to SmartAssembly Professional only. You can attach a file (such as a log file or screenshot) to an e


  9. Redgate Change Automation 2 release notes

    generated by release-prepare. Removed the `--suites (-s)` argument from rca test and always run all of the utPLSQL tests in the project s


  10. Working with the call tree

    method(s) that ran the request. Time With Children: The total execution time for the request and all the .NET methods executed because it


  11. Charities

    -7_13-10-58.png We are FoodCycle, and our vision is to make food poverty, lo


  12. Execution rules

    the inconceivable by changing the database name or cut-and-pasting a routine. A hardcoded database name has no performance advantage. EI0


  13. Provisioning

    - The lifetime of the data container. This takes the form of a number optionally followed by a time unit, s, m, h, or d. If no time unit


  14. System requirements

    . If this is not possible, then the schema(s) that you are tracking changes to in the development database needs to exist on the shadow da


  15. Passing TFS Build properties to MSBuild using TFS 2010 or later

    ="$(TF_BUILD_BINARIESDIRECTORY)" Press Ctrl+S to save the build definition. Passing TFS 2012 and 2010 build properties to MSBuild Edit the


  16. SQL Multi Script 1.2 release notes

    opening projects Recently used projects can be opened via the file menu CTRL+S now reliably saves new files Note that the standalone list


  17. Database Unit Testing

    that this script should be ignored by all environments other than Build. image2023-3-20_14-50-42.png shouldExecute=${environment}==build


  18. Summarizing a script

    shortcut: hold Ctrl and press B then S to open the Summarize Script dialog.


  19. New-SqlMonitorGroup

    Accept Pipeline Input False Accept Wildcard Characters false -Groups <Group[]> The group(s) to add this new group to. Will create a new m


  20. Scheduling restores - create restore schedule

    Scheduling restore jobs > Select destination server and backups to restore > Select destination database > Specify file locations > Speci


  21. The call tree

    method(s) that ran the request. Time With Children: The total execution time for the request and all the .NET methods executed because it


  22. Create a synonym based on dynamic criteria

    sys.synonyms AS s WHERE name='ExampleSynonym' AND s.base_object_name='[SERVER\INSTANCE].[RemoteDatabase].[Schema].[Object]')=1 BEGIN PRIN


  23. Creating a new source control project

    to the project, click Add another schema. This returns you to step 3. Click Create project. A new source control project is created, conn


  24. Scheduling restores - create restore schedule

    Scheduling restore jobs > Select destination server and backups to restore > Select destination database > Specify file locations > Speci


  25. Redgate Monitor becomes unlicensed without warning

    database for each installation. If you are only using one version of Redgate Monitor, simply uninstall the redundant version(s). If you w


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