.Net Reflector 10

.NET Reflector 7.0 release notes

March 7th, 2011

Features and Enhancements

.NET Reflector is a class browser, analyzer, and decompiler for .NET assemblies.

Highlights in this new release include:

  • Better decompilation, including the addition of iterator block (yield) support, as well as improvements to the .NET 4.0 decompilation,
  • Tabbed decompilation,
  • Ability to decompile and explore source code for referenced assemblies in Visual Studio,
  • Support for Silverlight XAP files
  • PowerCommands integration

How to Install and Use the Visual Studio Add-in

To install the Visual Studio add-in:

  1. Unzip everything into a suitable location.
  2. Run Reflector.exe. Then click Tools > Visual Studio and Windows Explorer Integration on the main menu, and select the versions of Visual Studio in which you want to install the add-in.

You can then open Visual Studio, and use the .NET Reflector menu to select referenced assemblies you would like to debug into. These assemblies are then decompiled to C# or VB. You can then step into them whilst debugging, set breakpoints, see the values of variables and parameters, etc. In fact, the only debugger functionality that will not work is edit and continue.

You can also decompile and explore source if you right-click on a project reference, and then click Decompile and Explore on the context menu.

To remove the Visual Studio add-in:

  1. On .NET Reflector's Tools menu, click Visual Studio and Windows Explorer and clear the appropriate Visual Studio Integration checkbox. The next time you open Visual Studio the add-in will be removed.

Supported .NET Framework Versions

.NET Reflector requires Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 or later to run, but can open assemblies compiled against any version of the .NET framework, or Mono.

Supported OS Versions

  • ®Windows XP SP2 or later, ®Windows Server 2003, ®Windows Vista, ®Windows Server 2008 & 2008 R2, ®Windows 7

Supports 32-bit and 64-bit versions of all listed operating systems, where applicable.

Supported Visual Studio Versions

The following versions of Microsoft Visual Studio are supported by the .NET Reflector add-in:

  • Visual Studio 2005, 2008, and 2010


  • Introduction of a tabbed browsing model.
  • UI improvements to make features more discoverable.
  • Inclusion of Jason Haley's PowerCommands add-in.
  • Improves to decompilation, such as handling iterator blocks.

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