.NET Reflector 9

.NET Reflector 7.6 release notes

July 16th, 2012

  • Installer now "per-user" again, making management via VS smoother
  • Coupled with work in Build 7, gives Reflector a true installer
  • Installation process now attempts to elevate by default
    • Known issue: – Installing alongside Reflector causes duplicate menus in visual Studio
  • Updating Core tool splash screen
  • Adding an installer
  • Better support for SharePoint DLLs
  • Further improvements and bug fixes for Async support
  • Adding a dynamic welcome screen
  • Extending our C#5 async functionality support
  • Continued re-plumbing Reflector UI to better support Dev11 theming
  • ROB & context menus now accept theming correctly
    • Known bug: some text in the ROB is rendered too light
  • Continued improvements of C#5 async support.
  • Support for most new async methods in System.IO
    • Known issue: nested Try blocks aren't currently handled very well
    • If we're not confident about async decompilation, Reflector emits code for .NET 4.0
  • Updated "about" dialog in standalone tool
  • Control over whether Delphi & Oxygene are available decompilation options
  • WinMD files are now discoverable on both 32-bit and 64-bit machines.
  • Continued work on theming support for Dev 11
  • Further development on C#5 async functionality support
  • Added early theming support for Dev 11
  • Added early support C#5 async functionality
  • Added functional support for Dev 11
  • Added support for .NET Framework 4.5 and it's assemblies
  • Added support for WinRT winmd libraries.
  • Removed VS Addin support for VS 2005 / 2008

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