These pages cover .NET Reflector 9, which is not the latest version. Help for other versions is also available.
.NET Reflector 8.3 release notes
Published 16 November 2015
.NET Reflector 8.3.3 - 20th January, 2014
- RP-3550 – Fixed several issues to do with debugging, including performance issue when stepping
- Reflector no longer offers to enable debugging for reference assemblies
.NET Reflector 8.3.0 - December 10th, 2013
- Analyzer pane available in the Visual Studio add-in
- RP-2619 - Issue with decompiling mscorlib on Windows 8.1 no longer occurs
- RP-3514 - Go To Member now only appears on appropriate items
Known issue
- On Vista x86, the installer may crash on the final step of installation. Reflector will still be fully installed, despite the crash.