SQL Data Compare 8

Viewing the comparison results

When you have compared the data sources, SQL Data Compare displays the comparison results in the upper (Results) pane. The upper pane displays all the tables, views, and groups of row differences you can select for synchronization. 
To compare the data sources again using the same project configuration, and update the comparison results, click  Refresh.

Objects are displayed grouped by how they differ between the two data sources, by whether they match what is typed in the Find box, or ungrouped. When you first run the comparison, the objects are grouped by Type of difference.

Object groups

To view the tables or views in a group, click or click the grouping bar.

If you want to display the comparison results in a single list, in the Group by box, select No groups.

When objects are grouped by Type of difference, the Type column indicates the difference:

tables or views with differences in their rows

tables or views with identical rows only

tables or views that could not be compared

Tables or views with differences in their rows

The comparison results are displayed as follows:

  • Type indicates the type of object; a table or view
  • Different displays the total number of differences for the object. synchronize all of these rows to make the table or view identical.Use the check box to include or exclude all of the rows for synchronization.
  • Table Name displays the name of the table or view.
  •   displays the number of rows for the table or view that exist in the source but not the target.Use the check box to include or exclude these rows for synchronization.
  •   displays the number of rows for the table or view that exist in both databases but are different.Use the check box to include or exclude these rows for synchronization.
  •   displays the number of rows for the table or view that exist in target but not the source.Use the check box to include or exclude these rows for synchronization.
  • Identical displays the total number of rows in the table or view that are identical.
  • Actions displays a drop-down menu that lets you select or clear the various check boxes.The Actions menu isn't available if you are viewing the comparison results in a single list. For more information, see Setting up the synchronization

Tables or views with identical rows only

The comparison results are displayed as follows:

  • Type indicates the type of object; a table or view.
  • Identical displays the total number of identical rows within the table or view.

Finding tables and views

To locate objects, type the search text in the Find box. To select a recent search, click the Find arrow button

As you type, objects are grouped in the upper pane by whether they match or do not match what you type:

SQL Data Compare searches object names and owners (schemas).

Note that the search is not case-sensitive.

To clear the Find box click the button.

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